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Yunjin's pov

The buzzing of the alarm clock cut off my beautiful sleep. I was about to ignore it but then, I remembered that today is my first day. I quickly get up and take a look at the time. It's five in the morning and my classes will start at seven. Why did I set up my alarm this early?

Oh right.


It's been my routine since i was in Usa. I need to maintain my figure. I have a lot of insecurities inside me and number one is about my body.

I do my morning routine first before putting on a white sports bra and a grey sweatpants.

"Ooh. Your abs are screaming Huh." I said with a smirk as I stare at myself at the mirror.

I went out of our house and saw Sakura going out as well.

She's also wearing the same outfit as mine except that it's all black. I guess she's going for a run to.

"Nice body, neighbor." Sakura said with a wink.

"You too. You have a nice figure for a person who eats a lot." I said teasingly.

"Yah! You really are a one rude neighbor."

Her reply makes me giggle a bit.

"Want to run with me?" I offered.

"Why does it sounds like you're asking me to go with you like what happens in fairy tale?" She said.

"You need to stop watching Disney."

She slapped my arm lightly. This girl is way too hurtful.
Can I also smack this cat even just once?

Our jogging routine was full of bickering and laughter. I never thought jogging can be this so much fun. I haven't feel that I'm tired even though we made seven laps around the park.

Sakura said that I should wait for her to clean up so that we can go to school together. And here I am, waiting for her for thirty minutes. We have only fifteen minutes left before the classes starts. I can't believe that there's still someone who can be slower than me. I was on the verge of barging into their front door when she came out in a hurry.

"Come on Yunjin. We're late!" She said and she started running.

"Yah! You're the reason why we are going to be late!
Aish." I said and followed her.

She just look back and wink at me. A piece of bread was stuck in her mouth. Now I know why this cat took so long to get ready.

We came into the school five minutes after the bell rang. Sakura quickly opened the door of our room making the student and teacher's attention divert to us. I was panting heavily and so as this girl beside me.

"Ms. Miyawaki. You're late again." The woman with a serious face said. I think she's our teacher.

''m so sorry Ms. Uhm. It won't happen again." Sakura

"I've heard that a dozen of times Ms. Miyawaki." She let out a deep sigh before continuing.

"Please go to your seat."

Sakura nodded before making her way towards her seat. I was about to follow her but Ms. Uhm stopped me.

"You. Stay." She said.

I feel my body stiffened at her command. I heard someone scoffed beside me and there I saw cheetah eyes.

What is she doing here? Is she also studying here?

"Ms. Kim. Continue introducing yourself." Ms. Uhm

Cheetah stepped forward not minding that she bumped my shoulder. I decided to call her cheetah because she's small and really looks like one.

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