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Chaewon's pov

This past few days, I always caught myself staring at Yunjin whenever I have the chance. I always watch her in her sleep which is the reason why slowly getting myself freaked out. Still, I was in luck because Yunjin never caught me staring at her. I don't know why but seeing Yunjin at the most of the time makes me feel at ease.

It was our third day today and we're on our way towards the famous maze park. I am looking forward to hang out more with Yunjin because I can feel that our friendship was slowly getting fixed. I can feel that soon, our friendship will be given a second chance.

But there's one thing that has been bothering me.

My heart kept on giving me signs that friendship wasn't all I want from her but I don't want to make decisions without confirming what I really feels towards my used to be best friend. I don't want to hurt her for the second time. Who knows that this might be just a mere crush?

Or not?

1 quickly cling to Yunjin when we finally got off the bus.
Both of us are getting used to being such this close. I even not heard her complain about my clinginess since that they that she held my hand for the first time after that huge fight of us.

We were smiling to each other as we walk towards the entrance of the park. I can feel my heart beats loudly due to the excitement.

"Hey Chae!"

I swiftly turned around when I heard that my name was called by someone. And my smile quickly faltered when I saw that it was Jaehyun. I took a quick worried glance at the girl beside me and I saw how her smile turned into a frown.

My breath hitched as I slowly removed my hand from Yunjin's arm. I nearly forgot that I still haven't fixed the things between me and Jaehyun.

"It's been three days since we last talked." Jaehyun pouted which made me cringe internally. I let out a fake smile to hide my annoyance.

"Can I borrow her for today?" Jaehyun asked Yunjin.

1 quickly look at her and internally prayed that she will say no. Yunjin looked down at me and I saw how she tried to read my mind.

Please say no.


But Yunjin nodded which made me automatically groaned in disappointment. She took a step back and Jaehyun reached out his hand, waiting for me to get it. I took a one last glance at Yunjin before accepting his hand.

Well, this might be also a good chance for me to confirm everything. I looked behind, hoping that I met Yunjin's eyes again but my heart ache when I saw that Yizhuo was already with her and dragging her.

"Hey." Jaehyun said to earn my attention.


"Why does it looks like you don't want to hang out with me?" He said sadly.

"Sorry. I'm just worried at Yun. Kura and Zuha are nowhere to be found. I'm afraid that she would might explore alone. But it looks like she already found herself a company."

"Oh. I'm sorry for taking you from her. I just really miss you that much. Three days is long enough for me. So, shall we?"

1 nodded and Jaehyun held my hand and we started to roam around the place. We went to explore the mazes and I admit, I have fun. But it would be a lot more if Yunjin is with me.

We're currently at the center of the last maze when I felt my knees weaken. We've been walking in hours and my feet needs some rest. I took a sit at the first bench that I saw and massage my legs.

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