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Chaewon's pov

It's been two months since Yunjin and I became official but it still feels like it just happened yesterday. Yunjin is a very sweet girlfriend. She always know what to do whenever I had mood swings. She always spoil me a lot like buying me some of my favorite foods. I even think that I'm starting to gain weight.

1 sometimes asked Yunjin to stop spoiling me with food because I'm starting to feel insecure about my body. But that girl always insisted that I'm still sexy. And when every time she's telling that, I admit, I always became a blushing mess.

Sakura and Kazuha always complained how we clingy are we when in fact, those two are a lot clingier. The four of us always go on a double date every time we're free.
And whenever we go out, Yunjin and Kazuha can't avoid teasing each other a lot which always made them earned a smack from Sakura and I.

"Here we are." Yunjin said when we stopped in front of the Fashion Department.

This has been our normal situation every time we go to school. Yunjin always walked me towards my department before walking to her class. Even if she will be late, she's still insisting. Stubborn Yunjin indeed. I just let her be because the last time I disagree with her, she whine like a kid which earned a lot of attention and made me embarrassed.

"You'll be late." I said. Yunjin is still standing in front of me and smiling widely as she stare at our hands that are holding each other.

"Can I not go and just spend the whole day with you?"
She said. I let go of her hand and flick her forehead which made her hissed in pain.

"You know you can't do that. Besides, we're going to see each other later." I said.

"I know. I'm just joking." Yunjin said while rubbing her forehead. She look around us trying to find someone. "Is that Heeseung guy still bothering you?" she asked.

I shook my head as an answer. It's true. Since that day at the amusement park, Heeseung didn't talk to me. Well, he try to approach me from time to time but I always kept my distance.

"Okay then, I'm leaving. See you later Chaechae." She said and waved goodbye.

1 stood there for a few more minutes until I made sure that Yunjin will clearly go towards her department. That girl really has a habit of not attending her classes especially when she don't like the professor in charge.

As I walk towards the entrance of the building, I immediately saw Heeseung leaning at the wall. When he saw me, he quickly straightened his posture and was about to approach my direction. I just stare at him with cold eyes until I felt someone cling into my arm.

"Need help?" Minjeong said and smiled at me.

She knew everything that happened and I also apologized to her for what happened at the convenience store. Minjeong told me that everything is fine and even helped me every day to keep my distance to Heeseung.

1 smiled back at her and nodded my head. When Heeseung was almost near us, Minjeong quickly pull me inside leaving that guy disappointed.

"How is it going with Yun?" Minjeong asked as we walk towards our room.

"Everything is fine. She's annoying but that's what I love about her." I replied.

"I envy you. How I wish I also have someone like her."

1 just let out a smile. We both know that Yunjin is just one of a kind though.

- - - - -

Finally the class has ended. I stretched my arms and let out a yawn, l've been wanting to go home since my last subject started. The reason is, our instructor is very boring. Her voice is so timid that it can make you fall asleep at any second by now.

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