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Yunjin's pov

"You can do this Yunjin." I muttered as I stare myself at the mirror. But when I look back at the pile of clothes on my bed, panic once again eat me up.

Today's the day where I promise Chaewon that I'll took her for a stroll. And despite of being excited at the thought of going out with her, I have this huge problem on what I should wear. I don't know if I should be elegant, fancy or whatsoever.

"Please pick it up." I said while biting my nails and walking back and forth around my room.


"Kura!" I jumped in joy when I finally heard her picked up the phone.

"Hey Yun! How's New York?"

"Still the same. Chaewon's been talking non-stop on how amazing New York is." I said and giggled a bit. I heard Sakura's giggle too.

"Why did you call me anyway?" Sakura asked.

"Uhmm... The truth is, I-I need some help."

"Why? Did something happened?"

"No. It's just that me and Chaechae are going out today."

"Like a date?"

"Hang out rather. And I don't know what to fucking

"Thought you're not going on a date with her? Then why are you panicking?"

'I- I- Just help me pick!"

1 heard Sakura laugh. This cat really knows how annoy me. I should have just called Kazuha but she's way worse than this food eating machine. Ugh. Why do I have friends like them?

"Yun, listen. You don't need to dress up to impress Chaewon. Just be who you are. And in fact, Chaewon wouldn't notice no matter how hard you dress up, her heart belongs to Jaehyun remember?"

"Yeah, right, thank you." I said with a smug tone. My eyes rolled, I don't know if this cat was trying to cheer me up or breaking me apart.

"I'm just telling the truth. You should not be full of yourself, you might get hurt so much in the end Yun.
Don't expect too much okay?" Sakura reminded me. I muttered a thank you and ended the call. I went back on rummaging my clothes.

After a few more minutes of deciding, I finally took a black top and a balck baggy pants. I also decided to wear some specs, my eyes look swollen because I haven't slept that well. I got too excited. I picked up my black bag and went towards the door.

Chaewon was standing in front of my door when I opened it. I guess she's about knock judging by her hand that was raised. She was wearing a red crop top together with a navy white pants. This girl never fails to catch my eye.

"H-hey. Did you wait that long?" I asked.

"No. I just finished too and was about to knock at your door, obviously. Let's go?" Chaewon said and flashed her gummy smile.

"You're very much excited I presume." I said and let out a grin.

"Of course! It's finally time to explore." She said.

When we went downstairs, mom, dad and grandpa where having there morning tea at the leaving room. Their eyes went towards us and I swear, I saw grandpa sent me a one teasing smile.

"Are you girls heading out?" Mom asked.

"Yes. Jen promised me a tour today." Chaewon said and looked at me with a wide smile.

"So, you're going out for a date?" Grandpa said which made dad almost choked on his tea. I felt my heart stop beating for a moment. I glared at the old man, if he's not my grandfather I would definitely smack him on the face right now.

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