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Third Person's pov

A sound of phone ringing loudly disturb the peaceful sleep of the two girls. Chaewon grabbed a pillow and cover it to her ears trying to block the annoying sound that she's hearing. But it doesn't seem to work out. She reached out for Yunjin and pat her arms with her eyes close so her best friend will woke up.

"Jen. Tell your phone to shut up." Chaewon said groggily.

Yunjin groaned and tried to reach her phone which is located at her side table. Her eyes are still half-opened when she answered the call.

"H-Hello?" Yunjin said with her bedroom voice.

"Huh Yunjin! Aren't you awake yet?" Momo shouted.

"Yah. I'm now awake because of your loud voice." Yunjin said and pull away the phone from her ear to look at the time.

"It's just 5:30 am. Call time is at 8am. So why the fuck are you calling me this early?" Yunjin said.

"Are you cursing me now, Huh?" Momo said coldly.

"I wouldn't curse if you just didn't woke me up this early at the first place."

"Guess you haven't read my announcement. I changed the call time to 7am. We need to make one more run before the actual performance. Now get your ass up!" Momo said and ended the call.

Yunjin brushed her hair out of frustration and stomped her way towards the bathroom. She looked herself at the mirror and saw how a big mess she is. She sigh as she remember what happened last night. Chaewon mistaken her as a stuff toy and hug her the whole night. Chaewon's straddling her and her face was buried Yunjin's neck which made the latter uncomfortable. 

The blonde girl opened the shower and let the cold water flow down her body. She loves cold shower more than anyone. It made her feel relaxed. She went out of the bathroom and dried her hair with a towel. She paused when she realized that Chaewon will be going with her. Yunjin face palmed herself, this cheetah would be so mad at her.

Yunjin took a black sweatpants and a white oversized hoodie and wear it. She decided to wear some specs to hide a bit her messed up face. She rummage around her closet trying to find some comfortable clothes for Chaewon. Yunjin grabbed an oversized gray shirt and a black shorts, then went back to the bed to wake up her best friend.

"Chaechae. Wake up." Yunjin said softly. Chaewon groaned and just turned her back around Yunjin. The blonde can't help but to chuckle. Her best friend is such a baby, she thought.

"Chaechae. You need to wake up now. Or else I might leave you here."

Hearing that Yunjin will leave without her, Chaewon quickly sat down and rubbed her eyes. She stretched her arms and smiled at Yunjin with her eyes half-opened.

"Good morning, Jen." She said with a gummy smile. Yunjin was surprised that her best friend didn't get angry at her by waking up her early.

"Good morning, Chaechae. Here, some clean clothes and clean undies. Don't worry, those undies are new. Go now and take a bath. I'll be waiting downstairs." Yunjin said.

As soon as Chaewon entered the bathroom, Yunjin went downstairs so that her best friend will have the room for herself. Her parents are still asleep so she took her steps lightly as she could. Yunjin went straight towards the kitchen to make some sandwich for their breakfast.

Few minutes later, Chaewon went downstairs making Yunjin stare at her with mouth parted. Chaewon flashed out a smirk when she noticed her best friend's reaction. She walked towards Yunjin and leaned at the counter.

"You're drooling." Chaewon teased. Yunjin quickly wiped her mouth but found no drool at all. The cheetah in front of her burst out in laughter.

"Gotcha." Chaewon said and wink which made Yunjin lose her breath for a second.

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