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Yunjin's pov

After that so called 'date' with my best friend, Chaewon has been constantly avoiding me. Every time that I try to talk to her, she always have that irritated tone. Even if my parents and grandpa are around, she's still not talking to me and if she does, Chaewon would only speak a few words and turn her back on me.

I'm starting to wonder why my best friend is acting like that. It really looks like she got jealous by that time when me and Jay accidentally bump into each other at the aquarium. Well, it is true that I really forgot Jennie that time for a while. Jay is my childhood best friend. He knew everything about me and ever since they moved to Seattle, we've rarely seen each other.

But it's still not yet right, why would Chaewon act like she's jealous?

My train of thoughts was interrupted when my phone rang. I got a text message from Jay. We're going to catch up today. I was thinking of bringing Chaewon with me but judging by how she's acting now, it might be better to go alone instead.

"Hey, are you coming?"

"Yup. Be there in few minutes."

I put the phone inside the pocket of my pants and fix my hair for one last time. When I opened the door of my bedroom, I saw Chaewon, she also about to go out of her room. Damn, what a coincidence.

I saw Chaewon eyeing me from head to toe and swear those stares of her never failed to send shivers down to my spine.

"Going somewhere?" Chaewon asked in a cold and firm voice.

"Y-yes. I'm going to meet a friend. Want to come with me?" I said. Well, I wasn't really planning to bring her but at least I asked right? I mean, I don't want to be rude. I was the one who insisted for her to come with me here in Usa but I'm going to leave her for the day.

"No. I'm just going to stay indoors. I'm not in the mood to go out anyway."

"Are you sure that you'll be fine here?"

"Yup. Me and Jaehyun will facetime each other. You don't have to worry about me. Just enjoy your date." Chaewon said and went back inside of her room.

Oh yeah, I totally forgot, that guy still exist. Then it's useless to think that Chaewon got jealous that time. Maybe she just got mad because I wasn't paying her attention when it was supposed to be our time. Well, I guess I need to make it up with her. It's already Christmas Eve later.

- - - - -

1 don't know how many times I've glanced on my watch.
Jay is fucking late. I've been waiting here on our favorite café for an hour. He knew how much I hate waiting and here he is, he's still the same old Jay that keeps on testing my patience.

1 was about make a call when suddenly I heard the bell rang meaning that someone has entered the cafe. I divert my eyes to the door and there, I saw my childhood best friend rushing his way towards me with a big smile on his face.

"Hey Jennifer!" He greeted before taking a seat.

"You still haven't change? You're freaking late again
J." I said annoyingly.

"And you're still the grumpy Jennifer that I knew."
Jay said and grinned at me.

"Whatever. Get me some coffee. You're paying."

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