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Third Person's pov

"Where do you want to eat today?" Yunjin asked as she watched Yizhuo fixing her things. The girl paused a bit and look upwards while tapping her fore finger at the top of the table.

'Cute.' Yunjin thought when she saw how Yizhuo pouted when she was having some hard time thinking.

"Chae's not coming with us today. Want to have lunch with us?" Sakura suddenly showed up beside Yunjin. The blonde turned and face the cat. She flickered her eyes back to Yizhuo who was still thinking for a few times before nodding her lightly.

"You're really taking this to the next level eh?" Kazuha was standing behind Sakura and popped her head to the side to take a look at the blonde's face.

"I'm trying my best. I guess I deserve a compliment right?" The blonde replied wearing that smug smirk of hers.

"Compliment my ass." Kazuha said and stick out her tongue.

"You're the one who kept on pushing Yiz to me.
Now you're treating me like this? Ah, Zuha." Yunjin said and looked at Kazuha full of disbelief. Kazuha was about to attack the blonde but Sakura quickly step up between them.

"Stop." Sakura said sternly and lifted both of her hands sideward. Kazuha softened and lowered her head, while Yunjin bit the inside of her cheeks, trying to stop herself from laughing.

"Just remember what I told you okay?" Sakura said and patted Yunjin's shoulder before walking outside the room.

Kazuha lifted up her right hand and acted like she was about to smack the blonde but when she heard Sakura's voice she quickly put it down and run towards the cat who is waiting by the door. Yunjin chuckled as she saw how Kazuha acted and shake her head.

"There's definitely going on between those two." Yunjin muttered to herself.

"Aha!" Yizhuo exclaimed which made blonde face her.
Yizhuo put her hands right above Yunjin's shoulder and leaned closer to her which made the latter surprised.
Her eyes widened at the girl's sudden move but she quickly recovered when she saw how Yizhuo is smiling widely.

"Seems like you finally figured out where you want to eat." Yunjin said. It was Yizhuo's turn to surprise when Yunjin move closer, leaving their face few inches apart.

"Took you long though." The blonde added.

"S-Sorry." Yizhuo stuttered and slowly put down her hands and lowered her head, hiding those cheeks that are now turning pink.

Yunjin can't help but to giggle at her cuteness. She pulled away and asked the girl once more where she would want to eat. Yizhuo immediately lifted up her head and smiled at her widely.

"There's a pizza parlor around the corner, can we eat there? Please." Yizhuo as she wrapped her hands on Yunjin's arms and pleaded.

"Anything you want mouse." The word mouse slipped smoothly from Yunjin's mouth which made her surprised and covered her mouth immediately. Yizhuo stare at her with wide eyes full of disbelief when she heard that nickname.

"A mouse?!" Yizhuo exclaimed.

"Yup. A cute one." Yunjin pinched her cheeks and walk towards the door.

- - - - -

"Do I really look like a mouse?" Yizhuo asked.

Yizhuo didn't stop whining when she heard that nickname. Ever since they left the campus, she didn't stop asking Yunjin how she came up with that. Even Yunjin was confused at first, Yizhuo looks more like a little cat, but Chaewon got her used to it. Fortunately, the blonde wasn't annoyed by her naughtiness but instead, she can't stop giggling.

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