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Yunjin's pove

I'm on the verge of being carried away by the song that I'm singing when I heard a loud creaking sound coming from the door. It immediately caught my attention and to my surprise, the girl who is making me feel weird things lately is right there, standing at the door.
Embarrassment written all over her face.

"What are you doing here?" I said, trying to keep my act. A smile almost slipped at my mouth when I saw her giving me an awkward look which I find cute.

"I think this door needs some oil. That sound is creepy." Chaewon replied. I know she's just trying to change the atmosphere.

"I said, what are you doing here?" I asked once again keeping my cold, monotone voice.

I saw her flinched when I stood up and walked towards her direction. I stopped right in front of her, trying to meet her gaze. Her eyes shows how nervous she is.
Small bead of sweats are starting to form from her forehead and I'm starting to fight the urge of wiping

I stare at her for a bit, waiting for her to say something.
Jennie purse her lips, not knowing what she would say.

"Come on. You know that I can report you for trespassing right?" I am getting impatient.

"You can't. Your mother let us in." Chaewon said with a smug smile.

"Whatever. You're leaving right now." I said and took a step closer to the door.

"Wait." Chaewon said and held my hand which made me stop.

My eyes widened not because of her sudden gesture but because of the electricity the runs down to my veins suddenly when I felt her touch. Is this even normal? Is she even normal? Why her touch is electrifying?

I don't know if I'm going to pull out my hand from her grip because if I do, it would be definitely rude and I'm afraid that I might hurt her feelings. I took all of my strength and lift my head to look at her which made me regret instantly. My lips parted as I stare at those cheetah-eyes of her. My gaze travel down to her luscious lips which seems so inviting.

1 quickly pull away my hand and look away from her and shook that thought out of my mind. I am panting which is weird because I'm just standing here, not doing anything.

"Why my heart is beating rapidly?" I thought as I put my hand to my chest, feeling the beat of my heart.

'I'm sorry." Chaewon said in a soft, low voice.

"P-pardon?" I divert my gaze back to her and saw her lips quivering.

"I'm sorry for calling you names. I'm sorry for being such an ass." Chaewon said. I am dumbfounded. I never thought that Chaewon has this soft side or was I just too busy fighting with her so I didn't notice?

"Look. Just please don't ignore me again. I don't know why but I really find it annoying when you ignore me." She said and pouted her lips. I'm just still staring at her because I still can't believe that the Chaewon I'm talking right now is so much different from the Chaewon that I've been constantly fighting with.

I saw Chaewon's eyebrows furrowed. I think she was starting to get annoyed because I'm not saying anything after her apology. The reason is, I was out of words so I just pulled her for a hug instead. I can feel her body stiffened at my sudden action.

"I'm sorry too for calling you a bitch." I said in a soft voice, enough for her to hear. I feel her body soften and hug me back. I smiled and closed my eyes, savoring this moment. Her scent is so sweet, she smells like strawberries and vanilla.

We stayed in that position for minutes until she tapped my back which made me pull away. She gave me her gummy smile which made me let out a genuine smile

"But for the record, I still hate gays and you can do nothing about it okay?" Chaewon said with her arms crossed.

"I take back what I said. You're still a bitch." I said, smirking.

"Yah!" She smack my arm and let out a soft laugh.

"So, friends?" Chaewon said.

"Friends." I replied.

"I didn't know you can play." Chaewon said while pointing at my guitar.

"I didn't know you have a cute side." I said teasingly.

"That's because we're busy fighting." She chuckled.

"Make sense. Wait, you said my mom let 'us' in? What do you mean by us?" I asked.

"Oh, I'm with Zuha and Kura. We were supposed to hang out at Kura's but she ran out of chips so we went here. "

"Where are they? Why do you went up alone?"

"They want me to apologize to you. They've been bugging me since that day at the library. They're downstairs, rummaging your kitchen."

1 quickly pulled Chaewon which made her gasped and went towards the living room. And there, I saw the duo, sitting peacefully at the sofa, with their feet on the coffee table while watching some Disney movie.

"Don't put your feet at the coffee table." I said which startled the both of them. Kazuha almost make the chips flew. Me and Chaewon look at each other, trying so hard to hold our laugh.

"So, you two are okay now?" Sakura said.

"No, we're just pretending. Of course we are cat." I replied which earned me an eye roll from

Chaewon took a seat at the bigger sofa, beside Sakura and leaned her head on her shoulder. I took a seat at the smaller one, and Kazuha was sitting at the other sofa in front of me. She tried again to put her feet on the coffee table but I quickly push it off.

"What? Your mom said feel at home." Kazuha replied. I just ignored her and went back on watching.

"Yunjin, have you finish your part at the research paper?" Chaewon said, her eyes are still focus at the movie. I just hummed in response.

"Oh shit! I nearly forgot! We haven't started anything Kura!" Kazuha exclaimed.

"Damn. Yun, can I borrow your laptop please?" Sakura pleaded.

"Sure. It's at my-" I haven't been able to finish what I was going to say, because they quickly run upstairs leaving me and Chaewon shocked.

"I hope they knew where my room is." I said and let out a deep sigh.

"They can manage." Chaewon giggled. She pat the space beside her. I sat beside her and she quickly leaned her head at my shoulder.

"You are a one clingy friend aren't you?" I said teasingly.

"Just shut up and watch." She replied.

I just chuckled and went back on watching.

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