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Third Person's pov

"What the hell is she doing here?" Chaewon whispered to Kazuha.

"I don't know. Why don't you ask your best friend?"
Kazuha whispered back.

The four of them usually eats together at the cafeteria during lunch time but today was different. There was a person added to their table and that person was the one who Chaewon hated the most.

They were on their way towards the cafeteria when suddenly someone jumped at Yunjin and clung to her neck. Shock is written all over Yunjin's face, her palms became sweaty as nervousness enters her system knowing that a certain pair of cheetah eyes are once again sending deadly glares to her. Yunjin carefully removed Yizhuo's arm around her neck but Yizhuo quickly wrapped her hands around Yunjin's arm. Chaewon scoffed in annoyance and walk fast towards the cafeteria leaving them behind.

"Yunjin, can we hang out later after school? Please." Yizhuo asked cutely.

Chaewon rolled her eyes in disgust from the sight in front of her. She was supposed to seat next to Yunjin but Yizhuo force her way towards her seat leaving Chaewon no choice but to sat in front of them and endure this moment.

"Cringe." Chaewon muttered.

"I can't. I have dance practice later." Yunjin said. Chaewon unconsciously smiled hearing Yunjin declining Yizhuo's invitation. But that smile didn't last long.

"Then I'II wait for you to finish your practice."

Chaewon let go of her fork which made a clanking sound loudly earning the attention of the other four.

"Are you not finishing your food Chae?" Sakura asked.

"Nah. You can have it if you want. My appetite suddenly flew away." Chaewon said and narrowed her eyes at the girl in front of her. Sakura quickly took the food with twinkle on her eyes.

"So Yunjin, what's your answer?" Yizhuo asked once again.

Chaewon rested her elbow at the table and rested her chin on her fist while looking at any direction escaping the sight in front of her. Chaewon's reaction didn't escape Yunjin's eyes. She knew that if she agreed, Chaewon would be so mad again at her and that was the last thing that she didn't want to happen.

"I'm sorry Yizhuo. I promise to hang out with Chaewon later." Yunjin said while looking at Chaewon who is now looking back at her with eyes widened in surprised. Yunjin smiled sweetly at Chaewon which made the later to smile back at her.

"Okay. Then maybe some other time." Yizhuo said sadly. Yunjin just nodded, her eyes are still not leaving Chaewon's. Kazuha and Sakura saw what happened and can't help but to squeal in silence. They found Chaewon and Yunjin look good when they finally got together. And they can sense that their something special going on between them.

"Hey Yunjin. Be ready for later." Momo suddenly appear out of nowhere.

"Of course cap. I was born ready." Yunjin said and grin at Momo confidently.

"Oh. Really?" Momo wear a smirk which suddenly made
Yunjin nervous.

"By the way. The practice later is open for audience. You should come, especially you." Momo said and pointed out at Chaewon.

"Me?" Chaewon replied.

"Yup. You're Yunjin's best friend right? You should watch Yunjin do her assignment today." Momo said. Yunjin was surprised at what she heard.

"Oh. I wonder what assignment that would be. But sure,
I'II come." Chaewon said casually.

"Can I have a minute?" Yunjin said before pulling Momk away from the group.

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