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Chaewon's pov

I scoffed hearing Kazuha apologize, what the hell is she apologizing for? For not telling me about Yunjin's condition? Well, she should be. I don't have any freaking idea that the person I'm hanging out constantly was one of those people that I hate.

I've always had this gut feeling that Yunjin might ended up as one of them. But I shook away all of those fears and trusted Yunjin that she would never be like that. Why haven't I see the signs? Why haven't I trusted my instincts?

"Damn it." I cursed and kick a stone that I found while walking my way home. My tears are still streaming down my face. I really do feel betrayed. All of those memories that I wanted to forget came back in an instant and anger took over me.

I sat down on my knees and hug it as I cry. I looked like a fool for crying here in the middle of the street but I don't fucking care anymore. I have no strength to suppressed it and besides, it's already getting dark and no one would pass by now.


My heart raced when I heard someone call my name.
With wide eyes, I lifted my head up and look to the owner of that certain voice.

"J-Jaehyun?" My voice crack due to by sudden outburst.

"What are you-"

1 didn't let him finish and instead, I threw my body to him and cried on his shoulders. I feel his body stiffened for a bit. I hug him tighter as my sobs grew louder. I feel his arms slowly reached my back. He hugs me tightly and I internally thank him. This is what I need right now.

"Take me to the park." I mumbled.

Jaehyun pulled me away and stare at my eyes. He wiped my tears away with his thumb, his eyes screams how confuse and worried he is. Jaehyun let out a genuine smile before pulling my hand, leading me to the place that I wanted.

I sat at the swing with my head hung low. Jaehyun took the other swing beside me and made himself comfortable. The silence between us is deafening.

Jaehyun didn't bother to ask me, maybe he's just waiting for me to open up.

I tried to move my mouth to say something but I feel my heart clenched in pain again and my tears started to form once again. Jaehyun saw that I was on the verge of breaking down again so he decided to stand up and hug me from behind.

"It's okay. Let it all out. You don't have to say anything if you're not ready. I'll just be here by your side. I promise." He said softly. I just nodded in reply and lean my head into his chest.

His presence made me to calm down for a bit, I'm glad that he found me at the middle of the street but either way, I would have still call him. He's the person that I most needed right now.

When I finally calm down, I asked Jaehyun to take me home since it's already dark which is I barely noticed.
Jaehyun helped me to walk since I felt that I feel drain.
He reached out his hand and I smiled weakly before taking it.

As we leave the park, I saw a retreating familiar figure. I furrowed my eyebrows knowing that it was Yunjin. Is she following me? What does she want from me? I believe that I already made it clear to her that I don't want to see her again. I even returned that necklace that she gave me because I don't even want to remember any single trace of her.

"Thanks for tonight." I mumbled as we stopped in front of my house.

"No worries Chae, you know I'm always here for you. If you need someone to talk, just call me okay?" He said and I just hummed in reply. Jaehyun planted a kiss at my forehead before waving goodbye. I smiled weakly and watch his figure slowly disappearing in the dark.

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