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Third Person's pov

Three days had passed and gratefully, Yunjin's nightmares didn't happened again. Sakura was happy because Yunjin doesn't need to distance herself from them anymore.
And as for Yunjin, she was satisfied since she had proven to herself that she's really now okay.

Today was the day that their college entrance exam will occur. The girls agreed to go in a single university despite of them taking different courses. Kazuha plans to take an engineering course, mainly, Electronics Engineering since her passion for building robots are burning up since she was a child. Sakura on the other hand will take Journalism since it's the closest course related to her dream job which is to become a famous Food Critic.

It was six in the morning when Yunjin's alarm clock rang.
She really set her alarm early since she wants to cook breakfast for her friends. She do her morning routine first before going downstairs.

Yunjin thought that she was just the only one who woke up early so she was surprised when she saw Chaewon at the living room. The cheetah didn't noticed the tall girl's presence because she was indulge on sketching something.

"Planning to be a fashion designer?" Yunjin said. Chaewon jumped a bit when she heard her voice but she quickly recovered.

"Yeah. What do you think?" Chaewon said, pertaining to the dress that she drew.

Chaewon stiffened at Yunjin's sudden move. Yunjin leaned closer towards her, making their faces few inches apart to take a closer look at her artwork.

"Wow. This is amazing. How come that I didn't know about this skill of yours?" Yunjin said but she got no reply from the feline. Chaewon was still frozen, and staring at Yunjin's side view.

When Yunjin didn't heard any answer from Chaewon, she slowly turned to face her which made the cheetah reflexively divert her attention away. Chaewon let out a few strands of her hair to hide her blushing cheeks from

"Thank you." Chaewon muttered softly. "I like drawing stuffs whenever I'm alone and bored." She explained.

"Oh. Is that so?" Yunjin said and distance herself.

"Where are you going?" Chaewon asked when she saw Yunjin walking away.

"To the kitchen. I guess it's time for you to taste my cooking, Kim." Yunjin said wearing a confident smirk.

Chaewon felt the heat risen up to her cheeks. She started to fan herself using her right hand. 'Why it get so hot in here all of a sudden?' Chaewon asked herself. She took what Yunjin said in another way. "I need some water.'

Chaewon knew that it was not only the water that she Chaewon. She's curious if Yunjin really know how to cook and the same time, she's afraid that the latter might burn the kitchen or worse, the whole house.

Chaewon stood up and walk her way towards the kitchen where she found Yunjin preparing. She went straight to the refrigerator and get some water, maybe for her not to be obvious that she's spying the tall girl. Yunjin was busy preparing so she didn't paid attention to Chaewon who is now watching at her every move.

"So, what are you planning to cook?" Chaewon asked.

"Pancakes." Yunjin replied shortly.

Chaewon scoffed hearing Yunjin's answer. "Really? Pancakes?"

"What's wrong with pancakes? I remembered you used to cook those for me. I think it's time for me to do the same, what do you think?" Yunjin said.

Chaewon wasn't able to answer because she was mesmerized by Yunjin's beauty when the latter started to tie her hair. Yunjin was wearing a black tank top and when she lifted her arms, her abs were even more exposed. She was wearing her black glasses and god she was so hot with glasses. Chaewon can't take her eyes off from Yunjin's biceps which later on darted towards Yunjin's jawline. She can't count how many times she gulped just by mere staring at Yunjin's feature.

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