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Yunjin's pov

"Curse that cheetah." I mumbled.

I still can't believe that Chaewon had just deceived me. She clearly told me that she will tell me her name if I buy her an ice cream. I bought her like three cups of ice cream yesterday but all I got in return was a thank you!
I tried to talk to her about the deal that we made but she acted like she doesn't know about it.

"I shouldn't have bought her that ice cream." I said to myself as I stomped my way towards the library. I don't feel like going to classes today and besides, my professor on today's subject seems like he doesn't know what he's teaching about. So it's much better to ditch classes than to stay there for hours and listen to him talk about his life which clearly has nothing to do with the subject.

The library is the quietest place throughout the university that made it a perfect spot to take a nap. I wasn't really fond of reading such books unless I need

1 pushed the library door opened and the relaxing aura instantly came in. I breathed deeply, inhaling the scent of new and old books that lingers throughout the room.

I walked towards the rightmost corner of the library which is the most secluded place here. There isn't a lot of students that is coming to this direction so if you want to take a nap, this would be the best spot. No one can disturb you and you're far from the librarian's sight who is always scolding those students that only go here to sleep.

But to my surprise, there's already someone who is occupying that certain spot of mine. And it wasn't just a student, it was that cute girl again!


A wide smile crept upon my face. I looked around the room, trying to spot Chaewon, she might jumped in and ruin my plan. I can't let that happen once again.

1 walk slowly and carefully towards where the cute girl was sitting. I did all of my best not to scare her but she still got startled when I pulled the chair right in front of her

"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." I said and smile apologetically. I took a sit, and she put down the book that she's reading on the table.

"It's fine. I'm just that type of person who can easily get startled." She smiled at me. A smile that sent a giddy feeling right down at my stomach.

"Is Chaewon with you?" I asked to be sure. Who knows, that cheetah might be lurking around somewhere, waiting for a perfect timing.

"Why are you asking me that? She's your girlfriend, you're supposed to know where she is." She said which taken me aback.

"What girlfriend? You mean, Chae?"

"Yeah. Aren't you and Chaewon a thing? Or it was just me who thinks that you guys have something?" 1 chuckled at the thought of Chaewon being my girlfriend.

"No. We're only friends. Best friends rather. Chae is straight so there is no reason that her and I will be together." I said.

"Straight? Really huh?" She said with a sly smirk. What was that smirk about?

"Anyway, I'm Yunjin." I confidently introduced myself and reach out my hand.

"Nice meeting you Yunjin, I'm Minjeong." She replied with a bright smile and held my hand for a shake. Damn, her hand is so soft that it makes me want not to let go. Can 1 just hold it forever?

"Why are you here? You and Chaewon have the same class right? Did you ditch too?""

"We don't have the same schedule every Wednesday.
My classes has already ended. What do you mean by
'too'? You ditched class?"

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