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Yunjin's pov

"Do you smell that Zuha?" Sakura said.

"Of course Kura. What was that again?" Kazuha replied.

"Jealousy!" The both of them said and burst out in laughter leaving me in a very confused state.

Chaewon heard what the duo said, she scoffed in annoyance and threw her spoon towards them. Sakura was fast enough to dodge the flying spoon but not Kazuha.

Chaewon's spoon landed right on her forehead which made her groaned in pain.

"Yah! Kim Chaewon! What the hell do you think you're doing?" Kazuha said.

"If you just shut your fucking mouth then there's no flying spoon that would hit you." Chaewon said coldly.

"It's not just me! Kura is with me!" Kazuha complained.

"It's okay Zuha. You're not that fast enough to dodge." Sakura patted Kazuha's back.

"Go and get me another spoon." Chaewon said while staring outside.

"Why me?" Kazuha said.

Chaewon look at Kazuha with the same cold eyes as before. I saw how Kazuha flinched in fear and quickly stood up. I thought it was just me who's scared of this Cheetah. I was about to laugh at Kazuha's reaction when Chaewon glanced at me so I don't have any choice but to hold back my laughter. I can feel how my body stiffened just by here mere stare.

"Here's your spoon madam. " Chaewon took the spoon from Kazuha without saying anything and went back on eating her ice cream.

"And Zuha and I are going." Sakura said.

"We are? But I haven't finish my food yet!" Kazuha complained.

"Yes we are going Nakamura Kazuha." Sakura said strongly and widened her eyes to the latter.

"Oh yeah right. We're going." Kazuha quickly agreed and stood up.

Before leaving the ice cream shop, Sakura glanced back at me and whispered.

"Good luck neighbor." She said and winked at me.

"What?" I replied.

She just giggled and pointing out Chaewon who is busy eating her ice cream. I suddenly feel nervous when I realize what that chipmunk was talking about.

Chaewon has been ignoring me since we left the school. I was trying to figure out why Chaewon's been acting like that. I tried talking to Kazuha because Sakura was busy clinging to the cheetah but all I got is annoyance from that chicken. She's been teasing me the whole time and telling how dead am I.

I was also not about to sat beside her since I can feel the tension and it will make me more nervous than ever but the crackhead Kazuha quickly push me away and sat beside Sakura.

1 glanced back at Chaewon, she's quietly eating her ice cream, but this time, it seems like she's not enjoying it.
What the hell did I do?

"You know it's rude to stare Huh." She coldly said, not giving me even a single glance. I breathed deeply and gathered all of my courage to talk. I need to figure out why she's acting like this.

"What's wrong Chaechae?"


"Are you mad?" I move my face closer to her, trying to meet her eyes.

"No." She replied still not looking at me.

"Yes you are. You're calling me by my last name. Not by that nickname you made for me." She stopped eating her ice cream and looked at me which taken me aback. I didn't expect her to turn around like that. Our face was just few inches closer, AGAIN. My eyes widened in surprise and seems like all of my muscles forgot how to function.

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