Chapter 018.

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I woke up smiling on some movie type shit . I laughed , when I realized what I was doing . I got out the bed immediately running into my momma door .

Falling back down getting up .

{ Tink }
Damn I forgot everybody, sleep with their door closed .

I held my forehead getting up opening her door walking in , while her an amour .

Sat up look at me confused. I jumped in the middle of the bed on them . My sister pushed me off her .

While our mom laughed.

{ mom }
Goodmorning baby , I see you're inna better mood today .

She smiled kissing my forehead. As much as I wanted to tell her my night I didn't I breathe smiled laying on her .

{ Tink }
Yeah mommy , I'm inna good mood . But how come you home finally quit your job .

{ mom }
No , I actually been meaning to talk to you about that I've already told amour . She's very excited.

When she said that my sister jumped up looking at me crazy . I looked at her gripping momma arm .

{ Tink }
Mommy get her ....I said , closing my eyes laughing.

She grabbed amour , while she was just waking up . She was zoned out .

{ mom }
Girl ... she okay ... I gotta promotes so tha-

When she said that I sighed leaning back in her bed . Looking forward at the tv .

She finally got that promotion she been talking away . My whole mood shifted .

I could feel her staring at me . So I looked at her rubbing my head .

{ Tink }
What mommy ? I know what that means . It means yeen finna be here no more . I get .

{ mom }
Yeah you right ....I'm actually gonna be home a lot .

When she said I was right I looked away . Then she said she was finna be home a lot .

I stood up onna bed in my boxers .

{ Tink }
Yooo mom you serious?

{ mom }
Yes baby go get dressed . But first get your ass inna shower .

I was smiling from ear to ear . She touched my leg . I know she don't allow us to stand on her bed .

But I know she could tell I was excited.
I jumped off the bed , turning around grabbing amour .

Tickling her she started laughing while our mom watch us laughing smiling ear from ear.

I heard her say . Lord protect my babies . As she leaned down to kiss my sister's forehead.

{ Waitress}
Welcome , how may I help you ? Would you guys like to place a order yet ?

She smiled , holding an small note pad with an ink pen . She was a pretty darkskin female with a mark above her eye lid .

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