Chapter 042

37 4 1

Tink pov

I walked into the living heading around the couch looking at the vase infront of me before grabbing it through it across the room .

The vase almost hit trouble , she dodged looking at me not saying anything as the vase hit the ground shattering.

{ tink }
Why are you still here get ouuut .

I said throwing pushing everything on to the floor screaming punching the wall .

Trouble calmly walked over to me grabbing my waist standing infront of me .

{ trouble }
You not pushing me away I am not leaving you here like this .

Kash walked in with Alex and temper . Trouble turned around , I looked over at kash hiding my face behind trouble cleaning my face .

{ kash }
Aye yoo mama what happened?

{ temper }
Yeah Tink , why is the ambulance and police outside surrounding your house ?

Temper said sitting down on the arm of the couch . Trouble looked back at me ignoring them whispering in my ear before , she walked off into the kitchen .

I wasn't even listening to anything that she said to me I sat on the floor by the glass , when I looked up trouble and kash walked right pass each other as kash was walking towards me .

She sat on the floor infront of me grabbing my legs .

{ kash }
Hey there ? You wanna tell me what's going on .

{ tink }
You know walking up in peoples shit unannounced can get you popped .

I said looking at her in disgust . Kash laughed looking at me as Alex shook her head looking down at her phone .

While temper walked back outside .

{ kash }
Using my own words against me huh ? How come your face all red why was you crying for real nie .

{ tink }
Kash I don't have time to entertain you for real .

{ kash }
Okay you not entertaining me . I'm here as a friend .

I looked up at her as trouble came back with water in her hand . I got up grabbing the water out her hand . Kash got up looking at trouble .

{ kash }
Uh hey

Trouble looked at her heisted to speak but she spoke anyways .

{ trouble }
Hey .

{ tink }
I need space everybody gotta go .

{ trouble and kash }
Imma stay you nee-

They both looked at each other and stopped talking . I pushed the glass of water into kash chest walking off . She grabbed the cup watching me .

As I walked off heading upstairs slamming my room door behind me . I plopped down on my bed laying down backwards on my back looking up at my ceiling.

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