Chapter 049

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I put the towel on the counter walking towards her , she backed up touching her face .

{ j'Leah }
Jada , please don't tell my sister .

{ jada }
Fuck all that ... when did you started back doing this shit ?

I said picking up the razor blade . Holding it carefully in my hand before throwing it in the trash can.

{ jleah }
Why do you even care ? Worry about yourself . You act like people-

{ jada }
You sound dumb imma ask you again , when did you start doing this Leah ?

She looked at me her eyes were red but glossy tears fall . She sat on the toilet seat . Putting her head down crying .

I sighed , walking over to her sitting down on the floor . Pulling her down beside me .

Hugging her tightly , she started crying harder . At this point I wasn't even finna interrogate her no more .

{ jada }
I'm not going anywhere nor , am I going to tell twin . This is something that has to be heard from you , j'Leah you can't keep doing this anymore.

I rubbed her back , I was hesitant on telling twin . But I know her sister doesn't even play about j'Leah and j'Leah doesn't play about her .

At that point , I was put into a bad situation . I can't even imagine what this girl has been going through .

All while everybody has been focusing their attention on tink . We all was so focused on her , that we forgot about each other .

I'm not over looking anybody no more . I have everything together , I'll be j'Leah support system get her right .

Until she feels comfortable enough to let dee'Leah knows she relapsed again , I'm already knowing it's gone break twin .

{ jada }
Come on let's get you to bed .

When I looked down jleah was sounded asleep , I picked her up walking to the bathroom door .

I put her legs down unlocking and opening the bathroom door picking jleah up again .

I went straight upstairs into tinks bedroom putting her down on my air mattress . She turned her head away from the light in the hallway.

{ j'Leah}
Thank you jada .

Always , now get some sleep.

I whispered back before placing my blanket over her walking out the room closing the door behind me .

I sighed, cutting off the light in the hallway heading downstairs. I wasn't even in the slightest mood for a shower anyway .

I cut all lights off heading into the living room area sitting on the couch trying to clear my head .

I took my socks off laying down on the couch grabbing the blanket grabbing my phone of the table.

I was just strolling through social media . I ended up falling asleep on the couch .

Morning 10:30am
Tink pov

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