Chapter 057

32 3 2

Kasha house
Amour dad location
Ariel's party

By the time Mari them got back , I was already dressed .

I left my house heading over to kash house . I wanted to see , why she wasn't picking up her phone .

When I locked on the door . A big girl opened the door . She was pretty as fuck my mouth damn near left my body .

She had a beauty mark above her lip on the left side . Blue eyes wearing a long fitted orange dress with no shoes .

Her feet was out toes painted pinkish .

{ Her }
Hey , how can I help you baby ?

She said , walking out closing the door behind her .

{ Tink }
I came over to see kasha is she home .

I pointed at the door . She opened the door looking at me .

{ her }
Yeah baby , she in there you can go in upstairs the stairs first two doors down on the right .

I nodded my head walking in heading straight up stairs . It was hard not to notice kasha room .

She had a big ass sign out the outside of her door with a picture of Megan good .

{ Kash }
Fuck Nina I told you I was going to take out the trash - oh it's just you .

I shook my head knocking on the door . Kasha opened the door semi yelled opening the door .

{ kash }
How you get up her Nina must've let you in ?

She said smoking her blunt walking back towards her bed sitting down . I walked in closing her room door .

She looked at me as I was talking leaning on her wall smoking.

{ Tink }
If that Nina is the pretty one that opened the door for me in the orange dress then hell yeah

{ kash }
Aye man don't be talking about my sister like that fuck wrong with you

{ tink }
Nigga all I said was she was pretty you need to get up and clean this room that's what you need to do

{ kash }
Man whatever you in my crib . I'm not in your crib I don't have to do anything.

I shook my head pulling out my phone looking at the time .

{ tink }
Mmcht whatever anyways I just came over here to see if you wanted to be my plus one to go to Ariel's party tonight's

She put her blunt out on her ashtray . Standing up taking her shirt off infront of me . She didn't have on a bra .

{ Kash }
You do know she's having a her party at a club right ? Mack them going so of course I am going .

{ kash }
How you even know you ain't been here that long tink .

I leaned back in the chair pulling a condom out by accident throwing it .

{ tink }
I have m-

I screamed wiping my hands on her couch standing up .

She laughed putting on her shirt . Grabbing her hat off her headboard.

{ kash }
Relax it's just an condom I use them on my females . I don't never fuck them raw .

She winked at me walking out her room . I looked at her disgusted putting my phone in my pocket .

{ tink }
You nasty as hell please point me to the bathroom . So that I can wash my hands before I throw up .

She pointed to the bathroom heading downstairs .

I walked into the bathroom and saw hand sanitizer . I squirted some in my hands heading out back downstairs.

{ Kash }
Ight you better get the fuck out my face before I slap the fuck outta you and that's on lil fay grave Nina.

{ Nina }
You not gone slap shit .. you finna slap me cause I politely asked you to take out the trash cause I always take it out

{Nina }
And clean up behind you yo grown ass kash you are 17 years fucking old I should've never let you fucking stay with me you gotta get your sit and leave you too fucking disrespectful .

{ kash }
Man bitch fuck you .

{ Nina }
Fuck me ?! When I do everything for your lil ass you gotta goo broo

Kash was standing out side with her sister arguing . I walked right pass them walking off the porch .

I don't think , I was even supposed to witness that conversation at all .

I think imma little traumatized . Kash skip over to me huffing . I could tell she was irrated bad .

I looked over her shoulder her sister was walking into the house shutting the door behind her .

{ kash }
My bad about that I didn't know she was finna be on some other shit .

{ tink }
It's not my business but uh you need to lighten up . She just trying to help you out .

{ kash }
I'm not taking advice from somebody that momma took her daughter life then hers man mind yo business we not coo like that .

I chuckled walking towards the car . When Mari pulled up I got in shutting the car door .

Mari pulled off immediately trouble turned around in the backseat looking at me .

Part of me wanted to go off so bad on kash for saying that to me .

But all I could do was laugh cause deep down I couldn't even be mad at her for saying that shit .

I almost for about amour dad . I leaned forward over jleah tapping Mari shoulder.

{ tink }
Mari ?

{ Mari }
Yeah tink

{ tink }
I need you to drop me off at the location that I sent you .

She nodded her head grabbing her phone out her lap . Dee'Leah looked over at me as I sat back in the seat .

{ dee'Leah }
Man what the hell was you doing with kash knowing damn well -

{ trouble }
Nawl Dee it's fine leave it alone . It ain't even worth talking about.

Trouble shook her head looking straight ahead out the window . Jada looking at dee'Leah trying not to laugh Jayce slapped jada arm .

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