Chapter 040

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{ trouble }
No I'm a touch me not and a virgin tink you not fucking me . I like giving that's the way I get pleasured

I raised my eyebrow laughing , she leaned back looking around me out the window .

I grabbed her face as I realized that she was deadass serious .

{ tink }
You deadass serious ain't you  ?

{ trouble }
Yeah I'm serious I don't play about my -

{ tink }
Let me eat you out then , look I need to do something or I'll eat k-

I stopped myself from saying kash name . Her eyes shot at me as she aggressively grabbed my neck leaning forward looking me dead in my face .

I gasped , biting my lip . She was turning red in the face as she let go of me taking a deep breath.

{ trouble }
There you got trying to be on some manipulator shit . If you wanna fuck that bitch you can , i said what I said you not fucking me .

{ tink }
I didn-

{ trouble }
Don't we got somewhere to be finna leave now .

She said starting the car up , turning the hazard lights off .

Speeding out on the road . I huffed laying back down on her shoulder looking out the window .

So she's able too see the road clearly . I noticed she wasn't touching me . Both of her hands was on the steering wheel.

When we pulled up at Taco Bell . She let me order , she didn't order anything . I did order her a drink but the entire ride .

She didn't drink or say anything to me . When we pulled up at my moms house .

Trouble opened the car door I climbed out stretching my legs .

{ Tink }
You getting out ?

{ Trouble }
No I think , imma stay in the car . That's something you should handle privately tink .

Turned around looking at the house I seen her blinds was open the window was let up .

I looked back at trouble just in time for her to be handing me my food .

{ tink }
Alright i guess just know the door always open . Listen trouble I just wa-

{ trouble }
Coo .

She said pulling out her phone . I looked at her , it's no sense in trying to talk to her when she like that . I sigh shutting her car door walking towards the house .

{ kash }

I looked around then looked to my left . Ended up seeing kash walking from the basketball court.

She was sweating I turn my head immediately heading inside closing the door behind me .

After what I had just said to trouble . I was definitely not trying to have them problems .

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