Chapter 050

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Waffle House

{ Dee'Leah }
We definitely got in on time . Tink make sure after you eat you take your medicine , okay .

{ Tink }
For show , thank you for reminding me .

Trouble looked at me kissing my cheek . J'Leah stopped eating her food looking out the window .

I peeped jada nudge her , she smiled grabbing her orange juice.

{ dee'Leah }
You're welcome , Mari . Your mom working today or what ?

{ Mari }
No she actually took today and tomorrow off . I actually told her too meet us here .

Mari looked at me eating . I kept eating looking at jleah . Something was wrong a little off about her .

She would normally make a joke about trouble kissing me but she didn't she seemed a little distance .

I looked at jada , putting my folk down . Trouble , Jayce , Mari and dee'Leah was talking amongst each other.

{ Tink }
Jada could I talk to you for a minute outside .

I said getting up , she nodded getting up . I grabbed trouble attention letting her know that i was heading outside .

Jada held the door for me , When I got outside she looked at the window at jleah .

I followed her eyes pushing her out sight behind a random stranger car .

{ jada }
Wassup everything good ?

I crossed my arms looking at her , she chuckled nervously putting her hands inside her pocket .

{ Tink }
What's going on jada ?

{ jada }
T what are you talking about . I mean we are all out at breakfast eating having a good time .

{ tink }
You know damn well that's not what I'm talking about what's going on between you and jleah .

Her face lit up like she saw a ghost . She stepped a little closer to me pushing me farther away from the window.

{ jada }
What don't say that out loud . Me and her don't have nothing going on . Why - why would you say something like that tink .

{ tink }
Why you so nervous then , if y'all ain't got nothing going on do dee'Leah know?

She huffed touching her forehead like she was contemplating on saying some touching her head .

{ jada }
Look we are not dating. Last night ..

She looked around the car to see , if anybody had left the table . I watched her confused putting my arms in my jacket.

{ jada }
Last night I walked in on jleah cutting herself .

I cleared my throat looking at jada .

{ tink }
Excuse me what do you mean cutting herself?

{ jada }
Yes tink like with a razor blade on her thighs . I think it's starting again.

Jada said looking at me . Hold her eyes to keep herself from crying. I removed my hands from my jacket hugging her she hugged me back .

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