Chapter 058

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Mari dropped me off at the location that was sent to me . It was an amazing neighborhood .

Jayce and jleah was asking questions the whole way there .

I got out the car walking up to the house knocking on the door . Amour dad opened the door as 3 little girls ran behind him laughing playing .

{ tink }
Who life you trying to ruin now ?

I said point around , looking at him . He came outside closing the door.

{ Amour dad }
Don't come over here being disrespectful . This is my family Tyasia .

I laughed looking down stepping back placing my hands inside my pockets .

{ tink }
Yoo you deadass " Family " . What do you know about family? You beat on my moms and have the nerve to ask my amour was scared of you .

I scrunched my face up rubbing my neck . Cause now I was starting to get pissed off .

{ Amour dad }
Tyasia people do change and yo lil ass not finna fuck up my family . You came over here to here my side of the story right ?

He said crossing his arms standing up straight . Oh he got heart off of a sudden .

When a white lady came to the door dressed in work out clothes opened the door .

{ Lady }
Hay baby , who's this ?

Wiping her hands with cake mix on her forehead wiping her hands throwing the small towel over her shoulder shutting the door behind her .

Amour dad turned around kissing her on the cheek grabbing her waist .

{ Amour dad }
This is my step daughter Tyasia from my other marriage remember . I was telling you about this last week .

She looked confused then started laughing smiling . Reaching her hand out to shake mines .

I looked at both of them .

{ tink }
Ian yo Step shit don't introduce me as such cause yeen never took care of me or my sister .

She moved her hand back quickly by her side . As she said something to amour dad walking off .

{ lady }
Nice too meet you Tyasia.

{ amour dad }
You still - you know what find out what happened to your mother them on your own .

I stepped forward getting in his face . Mind y'all this is a grown ass man taller then me at that .

{ tink }
You think me almost taking yo life for hitting my moms was an accident . Try me now I swear im itching to get my hands dirty again and again .

I step back smiling looking up at him . He cleared his throat looking at the car I pulled up in .

{Amour dad }
Ight Tyasia leave my family out this shit . They ain't got nothing to do with what we got going on you are a child .

{ tink }
As you would say father a certified crashout . You should've just left my mother alone . Imma make your life a living hell .

I said kissing his cheek smiling about to walk off . He walked around stepping infront of me .

{ amour dad }
Name your price anything ... he looked back at the car , I looked over his shoulder at Jayce . She was watching hard as fuck . Do they know what you did in Florida?

I quickly made eye contact with him staring him down .

{ tink }
It ain't no smart move to try to bribe and threaten me . Then on top of that you steal lives from me . That was your last straw playboy .

I winked at him walking off . Jayce opened the door looking at me .

{ Jayce }
Tell us what happened , you was all smiling at shit .

I shut the door Mari started the car pulling off . Dee'Leah , jada , jleah and trouble was knocked the fuck out .

{ tink }
It turns out he just wanted me to meet his family to talk to me about what happened to my moms . I told him not to worry about it .

Jayce looked at me wrapped her arms around me pulling me into her arms laying her head on my shoulders.

My phone went off indicating that I had received a text messages.

Arrivals at Ariel's

I was the last one to get out the car . I was texting kasha back , she was trying to apologize for what she said to me earlier but I wasn't going for it.

I was sick of people saying whatever they wanted to say to me . Then hours later try to apologize for it .

I put my phone in my lap leaning back in the seat . It was a lot of people around .

Walking in and out the building . There was a knock on my window , I looked over opening the door . It was Zion holding a blunt in her hand smirking at me .

{ Tink }
Why every time I turn around at a party . I see you like what's up Zion .

{ Zion }
Then yo fine ass need to stop turning around... Nawl I'm just playing but you are fine though. How come you outside and not inside?

{ Tink }
I was about to get ready to go in , while you all in my ass . Let me hit .

She passed me the blunt grabbing her phone .

{ Zion }
it's 8:30 it's about to be crazy then a motherfuck . Who all you came with tink ?

I was handing the blunt back to her , she grabbed the blunt moving out my way as I shut the car door as we both was heading towards the club talking .

{ Tink }
Uh the twins , jada , Mari and trouble .

{ Zion }
Oh the power rangers to power puff girls huh . Y'all coo again.

{ tink }
Mmm Yeah something like that .

Soon as we hit the entrance door . We was hit with that loud not loud music that too but I'm talking about weed that shit was so strong on top of that music was blasting.

Both me and Zion said damn at the same time laughing.

We both headed our separate ways . I went straight to the bar sitting down .

While Zion spotted somebody she knew taking off immediately into the direction pass a lot of people.

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