Chapter 041

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- Tink point of view -

When I walked into her bedroom. I didn't see anybody on the bed . Mom room was hella messy .

If I knew her one thing about her , she was a clean woman . So this definitely wasn't her , I sat on the stool next to her bed .

I pulled out my phone . I texting Mari .
Tinks messages
( 2 ).                Marithafav 🫶🏽🧡

Mari ?

Yes ? You good ? Did your mom's answer the door for you ?

No I'm not good I fucked up . I brought kash up ... she didn't answer the door nobody's home . I'm just going to wait until , she gets back home .


While I was waiting for Mari to reply. I put my phone in my pocket getting up . When I got up walking around the bed , I saw my mom and sister laid out on the floor .

I screamed loudly , snatching up amour laying her on her back carefully . I put my ear to her chest to see , if she was breathing .

Trouble came running in through the bathroom door .

{ trouble }
why - oh my gosh.

She immediately pulled her phone out calling 911 . I started doing chest compressions , while trouble started doing chest compressions on my mom .

3hrs later

J'Leah , dee'Leah , Jayce and jada pulled up parking the car immediately getting out , 

Trouble rubbed my back getting up skipping towards dee'Leah them .

I was sitting on my front porch with tears falling down my face as I listened to the police sirens tuh .

I don't know , how or what the fuck happened . But I know my baby sister ain't deserve this shit .

I had did all the crying . I could do  I was tried of being the victim . No matter , what I had to get my get back for my mom .

The police was still trying to question me . They didn't want me to leave town . As if I could go anywhere , here was all I knew for now .

The more I thought about it , I started crying more . I started thinking about big momma , I started to hyperventilate .

Jayce came running over hugging me . Followed by jada , Mari , j'Leah and trouble .

I hugged them back crying .

{ j'Leah }
Awee fuck tink , I'm so sorry this happened.

{ Mari }
We here for you .

{ Jada }
Me this shit not gone get better not finna lie say it is but we definitely got you .

{ dee'Leah }
I love you tink please don't cry .

{ trouble }
You -

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