Chapter 053

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My emotions suddenly started coming back 10xs faster .

Amours punk ass dad was standing right infront of me before my very eyes .

I wanted too deck this man so fucking hard . But something told me to calm down . I closed my eyes taking a deep breath .

I walked outside closing the door behind me .

{ Tink }
Hmm , bro you got some nerve showing your face around here .

{ Amour dad }
I didn't do this shit . I didn't kill your mother or my daughter . I put that on their life .

{ Tink }
Bitch -

I said , stepping down off the porch . I chuckled wiping my face he stepped back .

{ Amour dad }
My bad Ty wrong choice of words . I just mean that i didn't harm anybody .

{ Tink }
Nigga You think , that's your only last time . Playing in my face about them . Just why , why did you come back man .

I stood there holding back every ounce of tear . Every bone in my body wanted to break down.

But I wasn't finna give this man the satisfaction of seeing me fall apart.

{ Amour Dad }
Ty man you've always been a hot head a certified crashout .

I immediately started getting in touch with my inner self again when he said crashout .

My mind started racing them tears I was about to cry Became something else , something that my mother was trying to keep me from falling into all these years.

I stood there emotionless listening to him talking with my hands in my pocket.

J'Leah them are right there's three sides to every story .

Theirs my point of view , my mom's point of view and this dog ass dude point of view.

{ Amour dad }
You mother called me . I didn't call her after , she moved here from Florida . I found out about her y'all the first day .

{ Amour dad }
That was my first time seeing you and my little girl . She looked so happy and beautiful . But she was scared of me . Man that shit did something to me , I was hurt form the core but I Never harm my lil girl or her mother.

{ Tink }
Nigga you guilty until proven innocent . What does that even mean ? " I was hurt to the core " I don't give a damn about you or yo feelings.

He chuckled moving his hat to the side . Looking over his shoulder at the neighbors house .

Looking back at me , I was just standing there still emotionally detached from all my emotions and thoughts.

{ Amour dad}
He mumbles " you don't care about me or my feelings " Well you're mother died caring about you . She was scared the day , she found out you was in a accident.

{ Amour dad }
That woman was fucking terrified so much that you resort back into yourself that she started back using , why would I do some dumb shit like make her....

I looked at him part of me was wondering . If he was telling me the truth or was he just trying to save his ass .

My mother would never do anything like that , she knows amour is my rock . Long as I had her around .

I would never be a certified crashout . Everybody makes mistakes , I just happened to make a mistake that made my mom love me a little differently.

It made me get to thinking about something j'Leah said to me in the kitchen .

When I looked up I heard sirens . Amour dad took off through the backyard .

The police cut the sirens off driving by waving their hand at me . I laughed waving back sitting down on the porch staring out into the court yard .

For amour dad to be so gangster and innocent . Dude most definitely took off faster than a crackhead .

Oh wait , my bad he is a crackhead . The police was never gone catch that man , even if they wanted too .

Crackheads are good at running away going into hideouts until their ready to come out for another fix .

The door came open then shut , trouble sighing sitting down beside .

{ Trouble }
Who was that ? Jada said , not to come out that you was talking to some man .

I looked at her chuckle before grabbing a small twig of the porch beside me playing with it .

{ Tink }
Yeah . That was amour dad who was trying to convince me that he didn't kill my mom and sister .

She just looked at me then the road putting her legs out crossing them .

{ Trouble}
We'll do you believe him ?

{ Tink }
Hell no , crackheads will say anything plus him running . When he heard that police siren ain't make his case at all .

{ Trouble }
Oh damn that's crazy . At least you know he inna city . Meet up with him again . Shid I know this might sound crazy .

{ trouble }
But he might have information that might not be valuable to him but for you if he did that shit . That guilt gone eat him alive seeing and talking to you he definitely gone slip up .

I looked at trouble then at the living room window . Through the window.

I could see Mari then watching rugrats .

{ Tink }
You know that might not be a bad idea actually . The only issue is I don't know his information.

She laughed standing up dusting off her shorts .

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