Chapter 033.

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It was 3:00am , I yawned opening my eyes . When I looked over I saw people I didn't know laying on each , some was laying on a couch On each other .

Mari and Jayce was laying on each , Jada and trouble was laying beside each other with jada hand over troubles face .

With Jayce leg on top of j'Leah . Who was leaning half way off the couch .

Some boy was laying on a air mattress . When I looked over I noticed gifts . Then looked down on my other side .

I saw 5 grown people laying neatly , I looked around hoping to see my mom but I didn't see her .

Trouble moved around , opening her eyes a little . When see saw I was up she turned her head going back to sleep .

I could tell her eyes shot open .

{ Trouble}
Y'all wake up tink woke !

{ jada }
Man what the hell

she yelled flying over Jayce slipping falling getting up like nothing happened . I guess her mom wake up , everybody started getting up .

Jayce and Mari started laughing . I tried to laugh it hurted .

{ dee'Leah }
I know you hurting trouble the way you just flew like superwoman without the powers .

{ jada }
Ma did you see that ?

{ jada mom }
See what ? What was that boom girl ?

While I was looking I noticed the twins looked like their mom . She had very beautiful and similar features as the twins .

{ mari mom }
Trouble done fall trying to get to her friend .

{ dee'Leah & j'Leah mom }
She always doing some j'Leah . Y'all come help get her gifts out the car .

{ tink }
No wait ... does anybody know if my moms coming ? Who-who are all these people.

Everybody got quiet while they stop moving so they can hear me . All the adults got up standing my my bed so did Mari them .

{ Mari }
The lady on the left is my mom Ryan . On the right is my step dad David . My step brother is on the left his name Mikey .

{ j'Leah }
Yeah hey miss Ryan .

Jayce , trouble , jada and dee'Leah started laughing .

{ Mari mom }
Hay baby .

{ j'Leah }
She called me baby she wants me .

Mari laughed shaking her head . I laughed too then her mom cut eyes at j'Leah .

{ trouble }
She was just playing .

{ j'Leah and dee'Leah mom }
She better be girl go sit down somewhere.

{ trouble }
Well anyways I'll introduce everybody.

After getting to know everybody . I was feeling much more comfortable and relaxed .

Everybody was respectful I couldn't help but enjoy myself . These last couple of days has been crazy .

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