Chapter 034.

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She looked at me irritated before looking at Jayce them . Walking away . I tried to follow her but ended up tripping over myself .

Trouble , Mari , jada and dee'Leah . J'Leah fall trying to catch me .

{ dee'Leah}
Y'all okay damn j'Leah you trying to break her other arm too .

{ trouble }
Twin y'all chill jada help us right quick.

{ tink }
No I got it I don't need help .

{ j'Leah}
Damn I got her she's fine .

{ Mari }
You do need help stop tink don't even start that bullshit .

I cut eyes at her as they help me back to my bed . I laid down looking at the wall by the dresser.

They sighed , walking to sit down . Mari got on her phone texting .

While trouble just looked at me . I can't believe this he the reason my mom didn't come to visit me all this time .

Or she did come visit me and kash was lying to try to isolate me . I heard what she said about me to Mari them .

Calling me her bitch , I ain't nobody bitch . That's the most disrespectful thing you could ever say to me and about me . When I get better I'm beating her ass .

She did the most lamest shit ever . Not only did you come see me . You left my side to go fuck a nurse .

Then told the nurse that I wasn't allowed to see anybody because of your little thing you had for me plus fucking the nurse .

Imma get her fired I don't care yon do no stuff like that , I need to get out this hospital . They was just getting started .

When I was about to close my eyes . I felt a tap on my shoulder.
When I looked it was jada .

{ jada }
We about to head home get some rest . We all going to my house , we will come back to check on you later okay call if you need us for real .

{ j'Leah}
Facts my back killing me laying the way I was laying . I really enjoyed seeing you tink .

She smiled touching my free leg before walking out . Everybody said their goodbyes but trouble stayed .

She actually stayed behind .

{ trouble }
I - I think I'll stay keep an eye on her.

Dee'Leah tapped her shoulder before leaving . When she left the room was quiet . All you heard was small beeping .

I knew trouble was in the room . But it didn't feel like it , she felt distance from me .

It was kinda awkward like she didn't say anything . We glanced at each other every once in a while but never for too long .

We would look away she finally broke the silence by asking me a question.

{ Trouble }
Tink ? Do you love me ?

I looked at her with concern on my face . She pulled her chair even closer to me looking at me .

{ tink }
Yes I love you , I love all my friends.

She sighed in frustration touching her forehead.

{ trouble}
No no I mean like love me the way that loved you.... I'm inlove with you I wanna be with you- I - I know that you're having problems and a relationship is the last thing on your mind but I miss our bond mamas .

She said looking at me searching for an answer on my face . I thought carefully before speaking .

I was inlove with trouble . I do love her I wanna be with her but our friendship is more important to me .

{ tink }
You right a relationship was the last thing on my mind . When I leave the hospital . I have no place to go , I have to find a place to stay make sure my so called stepdad don't drain my moms bank account.

{ trouble}
We can-

{ tink }
No their is no WE CAN ... I would not be in this hospital . If you didn't fuck me leave when I told you to stay . You the reason I got put out in the first place ending up in this stupid ass hospital .

She moved her hand speaking softly as her facial expressions changed like she wanted to cry but held on from crying .

{ trouble}
Mamas don't say that shit I'm sor-

{ tink }
Trouble get the fuck out before , I spazz on you .

She started crying looking at me pushing her chair back standing up looking me dead in my eyes .

{ trouble}
You can't keep holding that over my head cause you hurt . You not the only one going through shit . You not in the hospital because of me ...

{ trouble }
don't even put that shit out there in the universe Just remember I fucking tried- you thought I was the selfish one .... No you did yo big one when she didn't fucking show up I did we did remember that shit tink .

{ trouble }
I'm trying to help you be here for you like you was for me at my lowest . Even we wasn't on good terms you never I mean never turned your back on me .

{ trouble }
Yes yes I fucked in the end turning my back on you because..... i really really could use my friend I know you —- you could use somebody that understand and wouldn't judge you

{ trouble }
But I guess I was wrong cause yon need no damn body . I love you I will all way have love for you I'll see you tomorrow .

She said leave out slamming the door behind her . I started crying I don't even know why i said that to her she just wanted to know where she stands in all this .

She was right , I was being selfish but for the right reasons.

I need my head together for, when I leave the hospital
I was just misplacing my emotions .

I was mad at my mom , I was mad at myself more importantly I let my baby sister down .

The more I thought about it the more my head started hurting, I eventually cried myself to sleep.

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