Chapter 019.

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After talking to mom , I could really tell she missed being around us . I thought it was finna be some bullshi tonight.

I'm so proud of her she really keeping her word this time around .

I mean especially with amour calling her name all the time . It's only right she be more involved in her life more than mines .

While was walking back to the car laughing. I saw serria laughing hugged up on another stud .

I softly laughed getting in the drivers seat . It was night time & amour wanted to be in moms lap .

{ Amour }
Mommy I had fun but my tummy hurts .

She said farting , I laughed looking at her rolling the window down . She turned her nose up bearing her face into moms clothes .

{ Tink }
Omg bruh amour say excuse you

{ mom }
Lil girl what you say ?

{ amour }
Excuse me .

She said giggling as mom tickled her . We came to an stop at an red light .

I sighed looking at the road , my mom grabbed my hand smiling.

I looked at her smiling pulling off to the green light making an Uturn.

{ Mom }
Tink I love you baby I promises things are going to get better for the both of my babies .

{ tink }
I know mom , I just hate I had to do it alone . Especially dealing wit- I mean I just really miss you I gotta a lot of misplaced anger .

{ mom }
When big momma die I got scared . I blamed her for all the wrong reasons . I wish I was half as strong as my mom .

I looked over at her then back at the road .

{ tink }
You stop us from going to big momma funeral mom . Can't nothing change that I'm sure amour don't even remember big momma .

Amour sat up looking at us .

{ Amour }
Who is big momma why tink so upset

{ mom }
Baby hold on . Tink you g-

{ tink }
No mommy , you dead wrong as kids . You should've left us out of it . Til this day you don't have one picture of big momma up . Start there mommy.

I said , as we was 30 mins away from our house . She looked at me then back at amour hugging her .

I sighed , leaning on the car door as the rest of the ride home was dead silent you . Could hear the cars pass by us .

Both amour and our mom was sleeping . Even though we was 12 minutes out . I stoped by the gases station to get gas .

I cut the car off grabbing the keys out the ignition. Looking around in the car for my wallet .

I looked over at our mom slightly touching her arm .

{ tink }
Mommy .

She opened her eyes looking around .

{ mom }
Y- yes baby ?

{ tink }
I need my wallet I think it's over there beside you inna door thingy .

{ mom }
Tink why you d-

I laughed looking at her as she reached down grabbing my wallet. She gave me the wallet.

I grabbed the wallet out her hand . Standing back closing the door . I headed towards the store .

When I approached the doors , I heard yelling .

{ work}

The dude said turned facing the people walking into me knocking me down . He turned around , helping me up .

{ Worker }
Oh - damn I'm im sorry miss Ian mean to knock you my fault .

I got up brushing my pants off .

{ tink }
No you're fine ...

I said bluntly walking towards the counter he left out the store still cussing .

Truth be told , I didn't think he was finna be nice the way he was yelling .

Update soon >>333😭💕

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