Chapter 074

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A couple of minutes later Wyonna walked to the table holding drinks . I looked at her leaning against the table .

{ Wyonna }
I got us both water , I didn't know what to get sorry .

{ Tink }
It's coo .

She sighed sliding into the booth sitting down . Holding onto her drink biting her lip .

{ Wyonna }
This is going to sound crazy to you but I wanna know everything about you.

I looked at her shaking my head .

{ Tink }
Why and what does a grown ass women want to know about me ? I mean seriously you that instreated in me as an individual.

{ Wyonna }
Tyasia be serious any kid that can make a grown ass man nervous . Jumpy 24/7 is worth getting to know don't you agree .

We laughed as I grabbed my cup Drinking my water before speaking . She was just looking at me.

{ Tink }
Okay okay , Wyonna you got me there ... what made you marry a junky like him .

{ Wyonna }
I know.... She paused for a moment before speaking ...well that junky you talking about uh he saved my life .

{ tink }
Yeah how so ?

{ Wyonna }
I was walking home from work, I'd uh just had worked a 12hr shift . My car was in the shop then plus .

{ Wyonna }
I wasn't trying to spend money on ubering anyways, I was tired unaware of my surroundings my almost got robbed and raped .

{ Wyonna }
Anyways he showed him scared them off . At that moment I just ... I don't know I didn't know he did well you know ...

She touched her nose , I just looked at her in disbelief .

{ Tink }
That sound like some shit out of a movie. Besides how you know heen set it up ? You fell right into it damn I feel bad for you .

The waiter brought our food over . Neither one of us looked down at the plate .

{ Wyonna}
I've replayed that scene over and over in my head . I mean saying it out loud him showing up the way he did... Mmcht I can't help but feel he's been watching me .

{ Tink }
Oh really where did you work at ?

I said grabbing my water drinking it chewing ice in the process.

{ Wyonna }
I used to work at the strip club on the south side in Florida.

I spit my water out a little covering my mouth chocking on my ice a little.

She looked at me nonchalantly looking down at her plate grabbing her folk .

Did she just say she was a stripper? I'm out eating with an ex stripper .

I mean her body is right . I grabbed a couple of napkins.

{ Wyonna }
So tell me about you baby .

{ Tink }
First of not cha baby , secondly I never said anything about telling you my story .

{ Wyonna }
Fair enough , how's school an every thing .

{ tink }
You really trying it ain't you . Did he send you to get information out of me or something cause for me to hate him so much I mean you seem perfect fine with that .

{ Wyonna }
I told you I don't care about your relationship or feelings towards him . I just wanna make sure we good . Besides I heard y'all's conversation that's the only reason I came outside .

{ tink }
How you heard our conversation. Yet looked so un oblivious to what was going on when you came outside  .

{ Wyonna }
I have my ways just like you have yours . Like I said any kid that can make a grown as man jumpy . Is worth getting to know period.

{ tink }
Ight well it's like this he hasn't been around since the incident with my moms happened , let's just say I had a mental breakdown & broke that nigga down .

{ tink }
In that process I ended up hurting my mom , who was at the time pregnant with my baby sister . Which I didn't know about , when I found out I kinda changed who I was as a individual.

{ tink }
It might sound crazy but amour saved both me and my moms . I loved that little girl with all my heart . But still had a little hate for my mom .

{ tink }
But I loved that woman too . Part of me wishes id did better while she was still alive . I can't take that shit but but , I'll make the best of it this is only the beginning.

I leaned back sighing , she looked at me as she stopped eating .

{ Wyonna }
I get it now , Now you wanna hurt him the way that he hurted you . I don't get it like why not show him you can be a better person . Why not forgive yourself and him ?

{ tink }
I'll never forgive that man for what he put my momma through . He put his hands on her infront of amour . Nobody should ever have to witness some shit like that I shouldn't have never had to protect my mom the way that I did .

{ tink }
I never got to be a fucking kid bro never so miss me with all this forgive and forget shit .

She looked at me grabbing her water .

{ Wyonna }
I understand but your just a kid you hav -

{ tink }
No offense Wyonna but I'm not taking advice from somebody that used to shake they ass , now married to a dude cause he said their life rather then getting to know a mfk , who also has two adoptive kids oh wait with a nigga she never slept with ... man take me home I'm tired .

I snatched my cup up getting out the booth . Wyonna sat there a couple minutes as she chuckled in disbelief.

I walked out the door standing by the car . She walked out the doors holding her wallet and phone in one hand .

She walked around to the passenger side . Where I was grabbing my my face with her hand as her body pressed up against me .

My immediate response was to grab her waist looking at her .

{ Wyonna }
Let me tell yo little grown ass something Tyasia . I didn't tell you I used to be a stripper or that I've never fucked him . For you to throw it in my face . I've come to terms with the shit . I don't need some teenager telling me about myself okay .

She squeezes both of my cheeks with her hand gripping my face .

{ tink }
Ighhhht bro .

{ Wyonna }
Excuse you Tyasia that is not how you talk to an adult little girl . I am a grown ass woman . You will respect me.

{ tink }

{ Wyonna }
Tyasia I will stand my white ass here all day . Trust me I don't mind .

{ tink }
Yes ma'am .

She let my face go looking down at my hand on her waist . I quickly moved my hand . Once I realized I was touching her , she walked away from me around to the driver's side .

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