Chapter 060

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{ Tink }
Excuse me , I wasn't trying to interrupt your conversation but could you point me to the direction of the bathroom ?

{ Her }
You good ... make a left where you see that girl with the blonde and blue hair standing.

I thanked her , she nodded turning back around starting up her conversation again .

Kash kept trying to grab my ass . I had to keep pushing her hands away . Once we made it into the somewhat quiet bathroom.

I pushed kash back standing by the sink irritated . I mean , I know this a club and everything but -

{ kash }
You don't gotta put me I mean push on me like that why block me ma ?

She said looking at me rubbing her face down placing them inside her pocket.

{ tink }
I blocked you because you acting like bitch that's why bring my -

Bitch must've been a trigger word. Cause kash sobered up hella quickly .

Snatching up my shirt pushing me into the stall . I looked at her pushing her arm .

{ Kash }
Don't call me no bitch tink im telling you right now .

{ Tink }
Are you slow kasha i said you acting like a bitch I didn't-

Next thing you know Kash punched me in my jaw . I screamed holding my face bending over .

I instantly started crying . She grab my hair pulling me up to her face laughing.

{ Kash }
Who a bitch now bitch .

She pushed me walking out the stall . I heard the music outside then the door shut .

I cried for a few minutes walking out the stall heading towards the mirror .

I fucking bruise easily so for kash . To hit me in my face , where I just had - I got something for her ass .

I pulled out my phone texting. I then put my phone back inside my pocket turning the water on slashing it on my face before leaving out the restroom.

I walked out calmly as if nothing had happened . I went straight to gio section .

{ Giovanni}
Hey your back I was starting to think you left .

{ tink }
No just had to find the bathroom.

I said touching my face sitting down grabbing a unsealed bottle of moscato of the table .

What was desert wine doing at a club . I don't even care to know that answer.

Uh ...

I looked up noticing that she was trying to introduce me to the people in her section but did not have my name.

{ Tink }

{ Giovanni}
This is tink , Tink this is my sister Ash , my other sister Mihiya and my big brother Ivan .

I waved at them smiling of course we sparked up a conversation immediately.

These was some nice people the way . They spoke to each other let's me know that they are respectable people just out for a good time .

I was drunk , I looked over at kash . She looked at me shaking her head . I looked away grabbing gio attention.

{ tink }
Hey gio , I'll be right back baby .

She grabbed my waist hugged me nodding her head , I hugged her back this woman smelled good then her hand placement .

If I could I would not let this woman go her personality was everything . She turned her attention back to Ivan .

I and kash was outside the club on the side of the building arguing with each other .

The conversation got really heated . She tried to hit me again that time I was ready , I pushed her into the trashcan dumpster .

{ tink }
You lost yo fucking mind . Don't you ever put your hands on me again.

She pushed me I grabbed her putting her hand behind her back pushing her body down to the ground.

She groaned touching her arm trying to stand up . I pushed down harder twisting her arm .

{ kash }
Ahhhh fuck stop stop stop that shit hurt you gone break my armmmm

{ tink }
I know that's the whole point dumbass . I should break yo shit for the way you decked me .

{ kasha }
You should've never called me a bitch . After I told you to chill out my sister even knows not to call me a bitch .

I laughed pushing her away . She stumbled on the rocks catching her gravity holding her shoulder.

{ tink }
Well good thing I'm not her cause I would've been beat yo ass only reason I'm not fucking you up is cause

{ Tink }
I don't wanna have another seizure plus I'm drunk on top of that you might just active my shit by punching me .

We looked at each other kash got closer to me holding her arm . I was about to punch her until she spoke up .

{ kash }
Man watch out ain't nobody finna punch you again. You had me fucked up sorry In advance if you have one .

She said standing beside me , I sighed looking at her .

{ tink }
Man this shit is aggravating . I just wanna have a good time for the one time without all the bullshit . My folks funeral is in 2days .

Kash put her hand down reaching in her jacket grabbed a blunt . I looked at her laughing , I'm surprised that blunt ain't bent up .

{ kash }
What ? I always keep one on me for stressful situations at least to say this shit right here stress .

She sparked the blunt as I started talking .

{ tink }
Kash you know you a weird individual ? Ain't nothing about you normal .

She pass me the blunt looking at me . I grabbed the blunt out her hand .

{ kash }
You not telling me nothing new . I kinda like our little bond . It's something different , you give me like this rush of energy.

I held onto the blunt at that point . I smoked the blunt by myself kash ain't want it back .

The whole time we was outside beside the building smoking chopping it up .

She ain't half that bad , just got something's that she needs to work on hence . The way she addresses people about shit .

I let her know I was still gone beat her ass for the shit that she pulled in the hospital . She agreed that she was outta line that she wasn't gone fight back .

I ended up telling her that , I will give her a reason to wanna fight me .

We laughed it off but in the end . We understand that we was deadass serious .

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