Chapter 059

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Temper walked over grabbing my waist sitting down beside me . I looked at her for confirmation .

{ Temper }
Don't worry kash not finna come start no shit tonight . All she wants is for everybody to enjoy themselves . Drinks are definitely on her tonight get whatever you want tink .

{ Tink }
Man this shit free tonight . Y'all not fooling nobody .

I looked around temper laughed .

{ Temper }
Alright so what I tweaked it a little , But on a serious note how you been feeling?

I looked over at temper , she was holding a cup in her hand . I don't know what she was drinking at on .

It had to be something soft cause that hard liquor will not have you acting the way she was acting towards me . 

I didn't trust temper and trouble act just alike inna way not only that kash too .

But it definitely was a differents between the 3 though won't lie about that one though.

{ Tink }
I just dead would wish people would stop asking me . How I am feeling knowing on a damn regular day wouldn't nobody give a damn about my feelings.

{ Temper }
You think because you lost people ? Stop me if I'm wrong , that people supposed to automatically ignore how you're feeling you tripping I'd be tripping the fuck out anyways enjoy your night .

I just looked at her grabbing the bartenders attention. When I looked over trouble was all up on another stud flirting .

The stud was grabbing her neck flirting with her , she was flirting back laughing .

I'm talking about showing all teeth smiling hard as a bitch . I couldn't help but wonder , if she was doing it to kill time or trying to piss me off .

I just straight up didn't care , I mean we came out as a crew not a couple . I grabbed the vodka I ordered from the bartender .

Went straight into the crowd . When a no label walked up to me holding onto her blunt .

{ no label }
You from around here ? I never seen you before tonight.

She said over the loud ass music . I stepped closer to her grabbing her forearm leaning in closer to hear her .

{ no label}
I said are you from around here ? I never seen you around before today .

She smiled , leaning forward speaking in my ear . Her voice was so soft that it came off as sexual harassment .

Cause I turned my head trying not to blush in this woman face . All while she was trying to take to me , I leaned back looking at her then leaned in her ear .

{ Tink }
No I'm not from around here I'm actually from Florida I moved here some months ago.

{ no label}
You don't have a Florida accent . But it's coo I'm not here to judge you.

I leaned back drinking my vodka while letting go of her forearm holding my cup with my other hand .

{ tink }
I wasn't born in Florida I just lived there before i moved here. All imma say is ...I've meet some interesting people since the I've been living here .

{ No label }
Really tell me about it .

She said smiling I noticed her dimples but what I didn't notice was her tongue piercing .

{ Tink }
Oh trust me stick around long enough after me having a few drinks . You will hear about it .

We laughed the music changed . Out the side of my eye I saw J'Leah walked pass me with her twin .

{ No label}
There's no way you are a light weight . What are you even drinking on ?

{ Tink }
Yeah I am a lightweight that's what makes this so much better it's vodka.

We laughed she looking around then back at me . I watched her demeanor . She was really comfortable until we made eye contact.

{ No label}
Uh I was actually thinking or or wondering . If you would wanna come to my section with me . I mean , I know all this is f-

I cut her off smiling

{ Tink }
Look it's all good you don't even have to say tew much I would love that.

She smiled back at me holding her hand out , I grabbed her hand as we made our way through the crowd .

When I felt somebody pull my arm . In the process , I squeezed her hand . Which cause her to turn around .

{ kasha }

When I turned around looking it was kasha . She was drunk , I shook my head . No label walked closer to me grabbing my waist .

{ No label }
You alright? By the way my name is Giovanni .

{ Tink }
Yeah everything is okay Gio . This just my friend she drunk . I'll be right at your section . When I'm done talking to her for real .

She nodded slightly squeezing my hand before walking off . I watched her walk towards her section .

Turning around looking back at kash . She finna blow me , I was just making a new friend.

Here come her drunk ass calling my name grabbing on me . I drunk my vodka looking at her .

{ Tink }
Mmcht bro , what could you possibly want with me in a club full of female ?

{ Kash }
To apologize .

I looked at her trying to read her lips . But I couldn't understand what she was saying , I aggressively grabbed her shirt .

I leaned over politely touching a stranger shoulder . She turned around giving me her attention .

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