Chapter 064

26 4 1

Amour's dad happened to walk by looking dead at me kept walking . By that time , I was slowly coming out of my seizure .

I gripped the door handle . Trouble walked up I let the door go turning my head opening the door staring at me .

{ trouble }
Tink look at me why you red in the face then you sitting out here in this heat . Yo you trying to have a seizure ?

I wiped my face looking at her , she sat down on the car floor rubbing my leg .

I turned my head looking at her .

{ trouble }
You already had a se- it's all in your face it's this look you have when you coming out of one .

Trouble held my leg leaning forward seating beside me . She started crying laying her head inside her lap .

I leaned forward hugging her from behind . She turned around fully hugging me .

{ tink }
I'm good trouble -

She cut me off talking .

{ trouble }
On some real shit you are not allow to go anywhere by yourself unless Dee'Leah or somebody is with you tink this shit mad scary .

{ tink }
I know , I can handle it . I just it's a lot happening right now . I can't see them out my sister them - I just can't trouble .

She lean back looking at me grabbing my face softly . Tears was falling down her face .

{ trouble }
No you can't not handle it . You can't do anything in that state anything can happen . You don't ma ma but you gotta be their - you - you don't have to watch

{ Trouble }
I'll watch for you tell you what's happening but you gotta go mama I don't want you to regret not seeing or being there.

I leaned back wiping my face looking at trouble wiping her face . In the process of wiping her face she kissed my hand holding my hand by her mouth making eye contact with me .

{ tink }
I can't trouble this seems so unrealistic . Last time I felt this kinda pain . Is when big momma died .

{ tink }
I never thought I'd be putting my momma or sister in the ground...imma kill that nigga .

Trouble sighed gripping my hand .

{ trouble }
I know baby I'm sorry I wish I could tell you this shit gone get better but I'd be lying to you and I promises I wouldn't Lie to you

{ trouble }
Stop trying to avoid the truth tink . You know I'm telling the truth you might not give a fuck right now . But 2 to 3 years from now -

While trouble was talking - I blurted out .

{ tink }
I love you .

My heart started racing . Trouble looked smiled looking at me blushing.

{ trouble }
Wait excuse me mam- tink . What did you say ?

{ tink }
I said I love you trouble .

She looked at me grabbing my neck pulling me closer.

{ trouble }
Say it again

Her mouth was close to my lips . I immediately kissed her , she kissed me back . Getting up getting in my lap closing the car door.

{ tink }
I love you trouble

{ trouble}
I love you more baby girl .

We were in the car kissing for about 10 minutes, I was almost in the middle of taking my blouse off.

Then all of a sudden multiple knocks were coming from all ends of the car window.

Then the door flung open , trouble stayed in my lap hiding her face in my neck putting her mouth on my neck .

{ jada }
Awwe shit they out her finna fuck at - i mean mess around at the lords house .

{ jleah }
Y'all should be ashamed of y'all selves out here fornicating infront of the lord .

Mari , dee'Leah and jada laughed .

{ jada }
Just nasty , I wish it was me though Ian had none in about 2years

{ Mari }
Bruh jada ain't nobody wanna know all that .

{ tink }
Man y'all chill out , why did it take all y'all to come out here ? Y'all must be finna leave or something?

Trouble didn't say anything , she was still hiding her face licking my neck I bite my lip adjusting my lower body gripping her waist .

She smoothly gripped my neck turning my head . I was now looking at Jayce , she was walking up behind Mari .

Nobody knew what trouble was doing . I tried to push her back without nobody noticing . But she wasn't moving , she started kissing my neck , I then grabbed her waist wrapping my arm around her .

{ Jayce }
We might as well walk to get something to eat . The pastor said his crew members finna be a little late . So the gathering for outside thingy got pushed back to 3:00 .

Mari and dee'Leah groaned turning around looking at each other .

{ dee'Leah }
This is a black church , I should've known . I knew you should've told mom to get a white church.

{ Mari }
Dee don't play with me it's too hot to be making jokes right now tf

Jada slammed the car door walking off whining  . I laughed then I heard Mari yell at her for slamming her car door .

Everybody started walking off arguing at each other . I turned my attention to trouble .

She gripped my neck little hard . I moaned leaning my head back , she now had full access to my neck . She licked my neck making her way to my jaw kissing me .

I adjusted my lower body again . Trouble grabbed my hand interlocking them with her hands .

I looked down making eye contact with her , she smirked putting my hands behind my head with her right hand she leaned the sit back .

I started breathing heavily my heart was racing . I was nervous as fuck , why the fuck was I nervous this is trouble .

Just trouble I need to stop over thinking it . It's trouble just trouble my motherfucking trouble .

She grabbed my face looking at me . I bit my lip my heart started racing even faster oh wait I wasn't talking about my heart , I was talking about the heart in my 🐱.

{trouble }
Whats wrong? Mama?

I didn't say anything, I touched her stomach. She looked at me smirking.

{ trouble }
Oh you horny huh?

I leaned toward her licking her lip. She started sucking on my tongue.

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