chapter 2

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its been a few months since everything happened. I'm with a group of people with lori, carl and shane. the only thing I managed to grab was one of my mothers jackets.

shane and carl have been hanging out alot. I've been hanging around lori or I've been helping around. a few people from camp went into town. I didn't hear why though.

"what ya doing little one?" dale asked

I looked up at him, I thought he was on top of his RV watching for some of those horrible things that eat people. guess he didn't see any.

"just thinking."I said

I've gotten more comfortable talking, these people are nice and I trust them.

"about your mom?" dale said

"no..I'm thinking about my father..I don't even know if he made it." I said

the last time I saw my father was when he told lori to take me and make sure I was safe. I've been hoping for months that he's alright. I want to give up all hope but dales told me not to.

dale patted my shoulder a few times and he walked off. he's not to great on trying to cheer me up. he doesn't know what to do. lori has tried to tell him what to do but he doesn't really listen to her.

he thinks he'll figure it out some day. I doubt it he's been trying and nothings worked. althought I'm happy he tries.

I stand up and I walk out of the RV. carl was playing with something and I saw lori walk off into the woods.

I just sat down and watched everyone. nothing interesing happens around here. daryl went to hunt, so all the fun is gone.

daryl is entertaining to watch sometimes. other times he's not. in a way he reminds me of my father.

although, my father isn't as harsh and rude but somehow he still reminds me of him. on the other hand, so does glenn. he always takes care of whoever he can. and he makes sure that everyone is okay.

I walked over to carl and I sat down, I've got nothing better to do.

"hey, come over here to play?" carl asks

"yeah." I said

me and carl played and joked with each other. the others either watched and smiled or they ignored us and they kept working.

there is another child here. I believe her name is sophia. I don't see her often her asshole dad keeps her and her mother with him.

after a little I stood up and told carl I was tired. I walked off and went off to lori's tent which I share with them.

I went over to my sleeping bag and I laid in it. it took a few minutes before I fell asleep

"mom!" I said

my mother turned her head and smiled at me, she leaned down and waited for me to speak

"guess what me and father did today!" I said

"y/n. I told you to call him dad not father." my mom said

"sorry, I can't help it." I said

my mother nodded her head and she waited for me to tell her

"we went to the park and I played with a few other kids, we played tag and I didn't get tagged once! there was this boy but he was always getting tagged. I felt bad." I said

my mom chuckled but it turned into a cough and she covered her mouth. I stood there not knowing what to do. I saw the blood coming out of her mouth and I ran to my fathers room and opened the door.

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