chapter 57

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as the weeks pass, (don't mind me🫶🏻🫶🏻) i've been realizing that rick looks at jesse like how shane looked at lori.

it's disturbing.

"y/n? you there?" i heard a woman say

"yeah, sorry." i said

"anyways, as i was saying. if you look at the board, you'll see that-" the teacher said,

all i heard was 'blah blah blah.'

i didn't care to pay attention to what was happening. i've been feeling weird a whole lot lately.

like, the feeling you get when something bad is about to happen, but nothing bad has happened yet.

maybe ive been outside the gates for long enough i just think bad thing will eventually happen.
not a good mind set,
according to aaron.

i hate coming to this make shift school, i hate it just as much as i did when i actually went to school on a building.

i had a test a day or two ago. i only passed because ron let me use his notes. i can't just not attend. i'll get in trouble for that unfortunately.

i know i need to pay attention, i just dont want to.

the teacher stopped talking, she looked right at me. i stared back at her. she sighed and went back to explaining how to do the assignment.

"i see your bored ms smith, class is over in 3 minutes, go hom-" the teacher started to say

she didn't even have to finish her sentence, i was up and out of my chair.

i closed the door and left, im definitely skipping class tomorrow. we have to do stupid presentations, which i didn't exactly think they'd still be a thing at a time like this.


i watched as maggie kissed glenn and wished him good luck, they needed someone who was small and could fit through small places if needed.

no one else wanted to go, so i volunteered. it's a quick trip, ill be right back anyways.

not that big of a deal, carl didn't want me to leave, but i just wanted to be outside the walls.

at least once more before i live in alexandria for how ever longer i'll live.

"day lights burning, let's go!" aiden said, he hopped on the driver seat and closed the door behind himself.

glenn and eugene didn't get in until a little after aiden said something to them. deanna was holding them up.

when they finally got in aiden started the van.

"so, seriously, though, what's her story?" tara asked

music started playing. "great, another mix." noah said shrugging his shoulders.

the music was loud, the kind of loud that would give you a hand ache as soon as you heard it.


once we arrived we all got ready, aiden told me i'd be going off by myself, he said it would be easier since i could get in and out of places and come back fast.

glenn didn't agree with what he said, they started arguing but aiden kept pushing. i was tried of them yelling at each other and decided to go.

i was now standing in front of a broke down building. it looked like it had been caught on fire.

the building next to it looked like it had been bombed, it wasn't hard to tell.

i didn't know where i was, i knew how to get back to the van and to alexandria, but that was about it.

i double checked my gun as i walked into one of the buildings. it wasn't on safety. good

the front gate creaked open, the places had pieces  of the fallen ceiling, trash, chairs, tables, glass, cabinet doors, and wood were all over the floor.

as well as fuzz. from pillows or stuffed animals.

i went through the building, and distracted myself from thinking anything bad might happen to me and-

i heard shuffling behind me, i turned around quickly but nothing was there. i paused for a minute.
nothing. it was silent, no signs of anyone else.

random thought crossed my mind.
i guess the people in alexandria aren't noisy, but i would have thought someone would have asked about it.

the bandages on my right arm, i know people noticed, maybe deanna told people not to bother?

i don't think deanna even knows what it is. i know no one from my group would tell her, let alone anyone.

i guess if anyone asks ill stay it's just for style. best i can come up with right now.

i kicked things out of my way and continued forwards.

i entered a room and looked around, i didn't find anything that could be considered useful, well according to aiden.

his useful is not my groups useful. it's very worry some that his team doesn't know shit for anything outside the walls.

there was a small box, i opened it with my knife, it had the micro whatever name. eugene was looking for some of those.

i placed some in my bag and went on my way since that was the only thing they told me to look for.

when i got to the van no body was there, i didn't expect anyone to be.

i opened the door, the one i assumed everyone else went in to. i could hear snarling, but it sounded far so i wasn't worried.

i got further in, i could hear people. but i couldnt make out where they were

"noah...? eugene..? dad.? where are you guys?" i said

it was more of a whisper, they quieted down, and then started talking again.

i peaked my head around a corner, aiden had a metal rod right in his shoulder, it was close to his heart. to close. he's lucky.

walkers were against the window of what looked to be an office, the blinds were messed up. i assume that's where they are.

they next second i heard yelling, aiden had seen me and pleaded for me to help him.

i wasn't risking my life for his. i would have, but my life isn't the only one at risk.

i waited, they'd probably come out and get him anyways. there's not need for me to get the attention of the walkers.

"look, if this is pay back for yelling at you i'm sorry" aiden said weakly.

i glanced at him, i slipped one of my backpack traps off my shoulders and i sat down on the ground.

i listened as aiden pleased with me but i didn't get up.

i'll let someone else save him. if they don't, we can just chalk it up to he got bit.

word count; 1106

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