chapter 52

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after everything was settled we all grouped back up inside,

rick followed a little after aaron,

after a few seconds aaron came back to the group.

"excuse me, everyone." aaron said

everyone stopped talking, daryl moved over to the side and aaron took a deep breath.

"thank you. you saved eric. i owe you. all of you. And i will make sure that debt is paid in full when we get to our community. when we get to alexanddria. now, im not sure about you, but i'd rather not do any more driving tonight. uhm, maybe we can hit the road tomorrow morning." aaron explained

he really didn't have to...we didn't help eric because we thought we would be rewarded, we did it because he was hurt and needed help.

"that sounds fine. but if we're staying here for the night, you're sleeping over there" rick said pointing over to a corner

"you really think we have to do that?" maggie asked

"it's the safe play. we don't know you." rick said

"the only way you're gonna stop me from being with him right now is by shooting me." aaron said

rick gave a questioning look, like he was trying to figure something out.

aaron stepped forwards to try and get into the room with eric but glenn put his hand out preventing aaron from moving.

glenn leaned in close to rick and whispered some things to him.

whatever glenn said must have brought rick back, rick stepped back a few, "alright."


after multiple stops, card games and sight seeing, we made it.

parts of the gate was rusted up, he didn't lie about how tall the gate was.

the area around was over grown, houses lining the street, trash on the road, some paper, wrappers and clothing.

it was quiet, but then, the quiet air was filled with laughter of kids from the other side of the gate, playful screams. people talking to one another.

we all got out of the vehicles, gathered at the gate and waited.

an animal made a metal trash can to fall over which cased daryl to fire at it out of instinct.

the gate opened, daryl grabbed the animal by the tail and lifted it up

"we brought dinner." daryl said so casually

it made me want to laugh,

"it's okay, come on it, guys." aaron said motioning for us to follow him inside.

daryl and glenn went inside first, everyone else followed after them.

the gate closed behind us and i looked around, the streets in here were clean, the houses looked amazing as well.

"before we take this any further, i need you all to turn over your weapons. stay, you hand them over." the man said

"we don't know if we want to stay." rick said stepping forwards with judith in his right hand

"it's fine, nicholas." aaron said

"if we were gonna use them, we would have started already. " rick said

"let them talk to deanna first." aaron said

"who's deanna?!" abraham asked

"she knows everything you'd want to know about this place. rick, why don't you start?" aaron explained

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