chapter 46

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noah kept apologizing and apologizing. i just stood and watched.

there wasn't anything i could do. it's his family, he can do what he wants..i have no right to tell him to stop.

i jumped when i heard a horrifying scream from tyreese, noah's head snapped up and he jumped up form his position.

panicked and wanting to make sure tyreese was okay i pulled out my knife just in case.

noah ran ahead before me. i rounded the corner, noah has a space ship in a walkers skull, i hurried into the room.

i looked around, a dead kid in the bed, and in the floor next to a table laid tyreese.

he was sitting down on the floor, blood rushing out of his arm. a bite mark on his arm. and the piece of flesh that was ripped of laid in the floor not far from him.

noah turned around "it's okay, you're okay. just....jusg hold on. we'll go get them." noah had to pull on my arm to make me move.

i guess i was just in shock..? there was so much blood. it was more than i'd ever seen in a while.

i turned around immediately and started running. i pushed open the screen door violently and started making a break towards rick and the others.

the wind blew my hair back slightly. noah was running but slowed down because of his slight limp.

i pushed myself to run just a little faster. there wasn't anything i could do for him. rick had the axe not me.

tyreese would bleed out by the time i got his arm off with my knife. plus, im pretty sure that my knife can't put through bone.

i eventually made it to everyone, i was panting and sweating. i was trying to get the words out of my mouth in a panic.

"tyreese...he,.." i managed to get out before having to take another breath.

jeez, what the fuck is wrong with me? he needs help just spit the fucking words out you useless piece of shit.

"tyreese, he was bitten!" i shouted

rick and michonne rushed passed me, im sure noah can take them. i dont think ive ran faster in my life.

i hope they get there in time, sasha needs her brother god damnit.

i wish i could do something, but i can't. not if rick doesn't get there in time.

ignoring the ache in my legs, and the dryness in my throat i ran. carl managed to keep up, though he was slightly behind me.

i took multiple turns, trying to get back. i'm trying.

i took and right and then another one. how the hell is this a longer run than it was originally. time felt so slow.

i pushed myself and somehow managed to run a bit faster. sweat dripped down my face. i could hear the yells of noah telling rick, michonne and glenn where the hell tyreese was.

why is this taking so damn long? the bags that were in michonnes hands dropped on the side of the road.

the backpack on my back weighting me down, it was things we needed so i kept it on. i swear to god. if i can't save tyreese, i'll never preform on anyone ever again.

it's so heart wrenching when you try and save someone but it doesn't work. i've been so useless this whole time.

is there anything i've done to actually prove myself? probably not. i'd honestly been better off dead at this point.

the house came into view, finally. i was slightly more panicked the closer i got. it wasn't 100% that tyreese would make it.

but there was a possibility he could if we got his arm off in time and prevented infection as well as prevent him from bleeding out.

rick tore open the front door, it came off one of three latches, hanging half way off. everyone entered the house until i eventually did.

i felt like my legs were going to fall off my body, my chest was tight and it hurt everytime i took a breath.

noah directed them to where tyreese was, i took slow steps but pushed myself forwards. i could hear his crying.

i entered the room. rick was holding tyreese hand out and glenn was helping.

michonne lifted her katana up and cut tyreeses arm clean off.

the bleeding was horrible and i got right to work. i took whatever piece of thick fabric was around and i wrapped it around his arm.

he'd probably already lost a lot of blood, but he for sure didn't need to lose anymore.

rick applied pressure and insisted that we leave right now and treat him in the car on our way back.

so that's what we did.

rick and glenn lifted tyreese the best they could and carried him,

i made sure that the wound had enough pressure in it so that it would help with the bleeding.

luckily, it did.

we managed to get to a gate, walkers on the other side. tyreese was out in the ground. he looked so out of it.

they killed the walkers and we managed to get out, he was sweating. a lot.

we struggled to pull him through the wire but eventually got it. i was yelling at him and slapping his face, not hard. just enough to keep him awake for a little while longer.

we pushed him into the car. i didn't have time to think about where people would sit. i didn't care.

he seemed to be doing a little better... only slightly, he needed someone to give him blood. we had everything we needed for that. just not here.

i needed to keep him alive until we got back with the others who actually had the life saving supplies he so desperately needed.

everyone was in a rush, rick got in the driver seat and michonne in the passenger, glenn and carl in the back so that i could take the middle with tyreese.

also, im going to be posting more in my conversations tab, just like updates and sometimes life updates if you guys just want a look into my daily life 🤷‍♀️

word count; 1046

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