chapter 16

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when I woke up I was back in the car. I sat up and looked around. everyone was here.

I rubbed my eyes just to make sure that I wasn't dreaming.

"rick, wheres y/n?" maggie asked

"she's in the car, hershel says she has a sprained ankle." rick said

I moved over to the car door and opened it. I poked my head out the door and maggie and I made eyes contact.

maggie came over to me in a hurry and hugged me.

"how did you even sprain your ankle, y/n?" maggie asked

"I jumped off the roof of the RV. I couldn't get down the latter" I said

"were you bitten?" maggie asked

"no...are you and glenn okay?" I asked

maggie glaced at my arm and then back at me. I shifted slightly where I was sitting.

"yes, we are okay." maggie said

maggie helped me out of the car even through I wasn't suppose to be walking.

I got over to glenn and wrapped my arms around him. he hugged me back, everyone was hugging and just happy to see each other.

"shane?" lori asked

rick didn't answer the question and avoided eye contact with lori.

"andrea?" glenn asked

"she saved me, then I lost her." carol said

"we saw her go down." T said

"patricia?" hershel asked

"they got her too, took her right from me. I was holdin' onto her, daddy. she just.." beth said

beth laid her head on hershels chest, maggie was trying to comfort her as well.

"what about jimmy..did you see jimmy..?" beth asked

before I could speak rick did.

"he was in the RV. it got overrun." rick said and beth started crying again

"you definitely saw andrea?" carol asked

"there were walkers everywhere." lori said

"did you see her?" carol asked again

"I'm gonna go back." daryl said

"no" rick said

"we can't just leave her." daryl said

"we don't even know if shes there." lori said

"she isn't there. she isn't. she's somwhere else or she's dead. there's no way to find her." rick said

"so we're not even gonna look for her?" glenn asked

"we gotta keep moving. there have been walkers crawling all over here." rick said

"I say head east." T suggested

"stay off the main roads. the bigger the road, the more walkers, more assholes like this one. I got him." daryl said putting a arrow thtough a walkers eye

everyone got loaded into cars and we started driving again headed in whatever direction.
about an hour into the ride the engine started spluttering. rick hit the steering wheel and said 'damn.'

"whats wrong?" lori asked

"we've been riding red for the past hour." rick said taking his eyes off the road so he could took a lori.

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