chapter 65

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carl and i went walking around, he said he was looking for ron.

it's only been a rumor that's been going around as of late, but carl told me about it a few nights ago.

apparently enids been seeing some dude here, i didn't ask for his name. don't want to know it honestly.

i do think carl mentioned something about him having blonde hair or whatever.

ron's pretty upset about it, understandably so.

"hey" carl said, ron looked up and stopped digging his knife into the ground for a moment

"you okay?" carl added

"why wouldn't i be??" ron snapped back

"have you seen enid?" carl asked

"not since i saw her with that stupid douchbag she's been hanging around." ron replied

"do you think she went over the wall? before the herd got here and all, she could be trapped out there" carl said

"what makes you think she isn't dead?" ron asked angrily

carl told ron to ease up a little, ron looked up at him and scoffed. he put his knife away and stood up.

"look...well go find her, we just need your help. if you'll..-"

"i'm not helping you, carl." ron cut him off

"this isn't for me. it's for you and enid, your friend." carl said

i didn't realize carl didn't know they were dating, i thought it was kinda obvious?

"my girlfriend. or, i mean, cause she was anyway until she decided to talk to other guys, right?" ron said,

"so you just want to leave her out there??" carl asked

"i told her to stop going over the wall, i told her there's bad people out there and that its stupid and dangerous."

"just because you tell her that it's dangerous doesn't mean she's going to stop just because of that reason." i said butting in

"exactly." carl agreed

ron looked at me and then to carl.

"plus, it's not dangerous if you know what you're doing." carl added

"well, i'm not gonna let you guys go." ron said, his face was straight. he looked right into my eyes. it sent a shiver down my spine.

carl turned away, if carl was going...i might go too.

ron called after carl. "carl, you're not going out there." ron said following quickly behind.

ron grabbed carls arm but arm turned around and pushed him away. ron backs up a little, takes some steps towards and pushes carl.

they grab each other and wrestle around for a minute before carl pushes him to the ground.

ron lands on his back and lets out a few coughs. "i'll tell your dad."

"he'll go out there to find you, then other people will, too. and then somebody's gonna die." ron added

carl stopped walking, he turned slightly. it reminded me of when rick does his little side ways turn.

"you saved my life and now i'm saving yours." ron  said

carl gave him a glare, and waited for me to walk over to him.

i muttered that i was sorry for ron, and i walked away with carl. ron continued to lay on the ground not caring to stand up.


night fell pretty fast, i had been outside with maggie. she told me she wanted to tell me something but we'd been sitting here forever.

she stared at the floor, i could tell she was upset. think about what she was going to say.

"so.." maggie started to say, i'd missed her accent even though id heard it not to long ago.

"hm? does it have to do with dad.? if so, you know you can just give me the truth right?" i said quietly, i hit the back of my shoe with the front of my right shoe.

"it doesn't have to do with him..well, i guess it kinda does." maggie said

she'd finally shifted her gaze to me instead to the ground. i opened her mouth to say something but the words didn't come out.

"i uh, you won't get upset or anything right..?" maggie asked

"of course not, i don't think there's anything you could do that would make me upset with you."

she gave a smile, she let out a long breath, it was probably needed. she looked like she was beyond nervous.

her hands were shaking and she was sweating. she kicked up some dirty which flew off with the wind as it blew.

"i'm pregnant." maggie blurted out

i made a 'huh' noise, i didn't know if i was hearing things or not.

i turned my head to look at her, she was already crying.

"really? you aren't joking, right?"

maggie shook her head, "i planned to tell glenn..but, he's not here...and he might even be.-"

"that's okay.., i'll help you out if i have to. don't say he might be dead because i won't believe he is until i see it with my own two eyes." i said

maggie sniffed, maggie moved closer to me and hugged me, her head rested on top of mine.

she rubbed my back, her tears dripped on my hair, i could feel a small wet spot growing on the top of my head.

but..despite that, i let her stay where she was.


word count; 885

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