chapter 37

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glenn walked over to the window, his shoes making a loud thud noise as they hit the wood floor.

everyone was looking at the window; i was to. the whistle, it had stopped once glenn reached the window.

i know i've heard it before; but i can't recall where.

"there's something out side lying in the grass.." glenn said slightly panicked.

some people backed up, sasha went for the door, rick called after her but that didn't stop her.

she swung open the door and started yelling,

carl stood up and looked out, he took my hand and we rushed outside with everyone else.

bob was laying on the floor, walkers not far from where he was laying.

"his leg!" maggie said

"get bob inside! we'll take care of them" glenn said getting out his gun, the used the back of it to hit the walker.

"can you help me, please?! help me. help me." sasha begged tara

maggie killed some walkers and rick was about to shoot one when someone else did.

he snapped his head up and looked around for the person, he shot at random and yelled at everyone to get inside.

carl and i stayed behind tara and sasha to give extra support, we laid him down on the floor that was covered with carpet and we waited for rick to get inside.


"i was in the graveyard. someone knocked me out. i woke up outside this place, it looked like a school. it was that guy...gareth. and five other ones. they were eating my leg right in front of me. like it was nothing. all proud like they had it all figured it out." bobby explained

"did they have daryl and carol.?" rick asked

"gareth said they drove off." bob said

everyone looked at each other, i don't think they would just leave us like that. they might have had a reason.

he grabbed his leg and started groaning in pain. sasha reacted over

"he's in pain. do we have anything?" sasha asked

"i think there are pull packets in the first aid kit." rosita said

(i don't know if i spelt that right...😖😖)

"same 'em" bob said

"no" sasha said, her voice was very shaky

"really." bobby said slowly sitting up

when he sat up he paused for a moment, he put his hand to his right shoulder and pulled away the fabric of his shirt.

i couldn't see what it was, but by sasha's face i think i knew what it was. she stared at it. the didn't blink, her eyes never left his shoulder.

"it happened at the food bank." bob said

sasha leaned to give gil a hug or whatever but he stopped her.

he fell back and tara, sasha and maggie helped so that he wouldn't fall back to hard.

"there's a sofa in my office. i know it's not much, but.." gabriel offered

"thank you.." sasha said looking over her shoulder at gabriel

"i got him" tyreese said

everyone got off their feet and moved around, sasha was the only person who remained at bobs side.

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