chapter 44

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it was silent in the car for a little while after tyreese and noah spoke to each other.

glenn would occasionally look about at carl and i, just to check up im guessing.

carl had his head rested on my shoulder and he was sleeping, his hat was on my lap since that's where he placed it. i didn't want to move it or anything.

michonne was slightly leaning towards rick, and he seemed pretty okay with it.

sometimes i can't tell if something or nothing is going on between them, i thought maybe there was in the prison. but these days im not quite sure.

"two miles" noah said

rick gave a very quiet 'alright' he lifted his hand and tapped the side of tyreese seat before he started talking to him.

"let's pull into the woods. we'll go on foot. stay off the road." rick said and leaned back into his seat

"we don't need to." noah said confused

"just in case" rick replied

tyreese followed what rick had said, he pulled off into the woods. the front of the car was off the road and when it came time for the back of the car to be off road it caused a bump due to how much higher the road was than the ground.

carls hat slightly shifted and he'd woken up, i guess that spares me from having to do it myself.

we all got out of the car,

"this is good. through the trees, it might just look like part of the wreck." rick said

a walker snarled from behind rick, it was putting its hands on the glass. rick turned around and looked at it.

"it's this way" noah said pointing behind him with his thumb.

noah took the lead and we followed him.

"your people do this?" michonne said asking about all the wire that was wrapped around the trees

"wanted to. they must have." noah said

the adults including noah went through the wire carefully, carl held some down or up for me depending on what way we were going.

noah ended up cutting himself of the wire, rick made sure he was alright and we continued walking.

"they have spotters? snipers?" rick asked

"we built a perch on a truck. sometimes its out front." noah said

glenn went to look around, i'm not sure if he could see anything, rick and michonne were blocking my view of everything at the moment.

"not today" glenn said

we all walled forwards. glenn taking the lead this time, the walls of the community looked rusted and old, worn down almost.

we retuned to the road and walked close and closer to the gated community. random objects laid on the ground.

we got up to the gate and noah immediately pushed it forwards, he kept his head close to the gate and listened for something, anything.

"you hear that?" noah asked

i paused for a second and tired my bed to listen, but i didn't hear anything.

"just wait." glenn said walking forwards and putting his gun back into his holster.

glenn decided to climb up to see over the gate, which wasn't very hard to do, there was a flower bed right next to the wall which he could step on.

once he was up there and could see over the gate he looked around, he placed his hands on the wood that was used to help the wall stay in place.

glenn looked back at us and shook his head, noah didn't take it so good and he climbed over the gate followed by everyone else.

the place was a huge mess, houses tore down due to fire damage, trees fallen down, trash all over the ground some parts covered with blood stains.

"noah, hold up" rick said

noah ignored rick and kept walking, after noah saw the patches of dirt digged up and the clothes that laid on the floor he started running.

he stopped running when he stood almost on the center of the road, he started sobbing. his hands went to the back of his head and he sat down on the ground.

i looked around, cars filled the streets, so did bodies and trash. nothing more, nothing less.

there was a few W's around, no clue what that could stand for. but i'm guessing it was just some graffiti someone decided to do.

rick and tyreese took either side of noah. he had his head in his hands and knees close to his chest.

"i'm sorry, noah. i truly am. we should see if there's anything we can use and head back." rick said

"then what?" michonne asked

michonne went forwards to kill the walkers that were coming out way,

"we can make a quick sweep." glenn said

"i'll stay with him" tyreese offered.

rick gave him a nod and pulled out the walkie again.

"carol, you copy?" rick asked

"we're here." carol replied

"we made it. it's gone." rick said


across the street, rick, michonne, and glenn searched through the house.

carl and i searched through the house across them so that and i quote "i can keep an watchful eye on..carl." glenn said

we didn't find much in the house, well. stuff that could easily be brought back that is.

there was a lot of useful things that couldn't be brought back because we didn't have room for them.

carl went inside first, making sure that it was safe. then i came in next and grabbed anything i though could be useful.

that included.

canned food
A&D ointment (for rashes and skin irritation)
some books, (one of us is lying, even if we break and a manga)
hammer and nails
paint and paintbrushes (for fun)

and whatever other nonsense carl placed in his backpack.

i got mostly important things,

carl..well, he got what he thought would be useful.

after i got my things put up, i walked across the street to be back with with other three.

word count; 1013

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