chapter 64

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an hour or two passed, the adults went out and looked for any remaining people. people who were alive or dead.

it made me sad thinking about how many people died, i didn't know the exact number. but i had a number in mind.

it was enough to reduce the number of people living here significantly, but also not enough to completely clear out the place.

i know it was wrong to think, but everytime i saw someone's dead body on the ground i could only think, "at least it wasn't me."

the blood stained the road and concrete where the bodies use to lay, some people sat down by the stains of blood, they cried, yelled out, some of the children called for their lost loved one.

i could see the pity in the eyes of the people watching, the people who hadn't lost anyone, which was very few people, they stayed at home with their doors locked.

this is my home, yet, i didn't help anyone out. and for that, im grateful. i couldn't imagine dying and putting my loved ones through all this.

we heard yelling in the distance, it was rick.


he kept calling for someone to open the gate, i could hear very very faint snarling,


deanna was on a platform, she was breathing heavy, michonne, maggie and tara ran to the gate.
followed by morgan.

my heart was racing, everything was just calming down. why can't we just have one, ONE normal day.

that's all i want.

a day where we don't have to worry about about anything. a day where we don't have to worry about anyone dying,

rick fell to the ground, knocking a walker over with him.

walkers, and a lot of them. rick got up on his feet and ran to the the gate, everyone rushed to close it behind him.

deanna stood there, she looked horrified, and i didn't blame her, i was too.

even when it's a few walkers i get scared, i've had them up close, a few times. but, i've never had THIS many walkers up close all at once.

when i was helping out redirect the walkers i'd been shaking. there was so many...and now they're at the gate.

the walls moved as the pressure from the walkers got more intense. people hurried to give it some kind of support.

carl joined myself, he held my hand and squeezed it a few times, he offered comfort which i accepted but i couldn't help but be scared.

"you can hear it. some of you saw it. they got back here, half of them. still enough to surround us 20 deep. look, i know you're scared. you haven't seen anything like this. you haven't been through anything like this. but we're safe for now. the panel the truck hit seems intact. we reinforced it just in case. either way, the walls gonna hold together. can you? the others, they're gonna be back." rick said

"they're gonna be back." rosita repeated,

rick gave her a nod and turned back around.

"daryl, abraham, sasha, they have vehicles. they're gonna lead 'em away, just like the others. and glenn and nickolas are gonna walk back through the front gate after. they know what they're doing, and we know what we need to do. we keep noise to a minimum. pull out blinds at night. even better, keep the lights out. we'll try to make this place as quiet as a graveyard, see if they move on." rick explained

i glanced over, ron had his hand on his holster, i didn't know what type of weapon he had, but his hand was on it. waiting...

"this place is a graveyard." a woman said

rick turned to look at her, he looked like he wanted to say something. but instead he nodded and stared at her.

"the quarry broke open and those walkers were heading this way. all of them. the plan that RICK put in place stopped that from happening. he got half of them away. i was out there recruiting with daryl. i wanted to try to get into a cannery and scavenge, and daryl wanted to keep looking for people. we did what i wanted....and we wound up in a trap set by those people. and i lost my pack. they must've followed our tracks. those people who attacked us they found their way back here because of me." arron said,

he shouldered the blame for them finding us, but i don't think it was his fault.
if any group saw big walls and heard people on the other side, they'd want in.

deanna stepped forwards, and rick moved to face morgan and then everyone else.

"there'll be more to talk about." rick said

"deanna?" tobin said

he called for her again. she was walking away. she didn't turn around or say anything to tobin. it was like she wasn't here.


everyone was on high alert, clearing out the rest of the houses and making sure no one else was around for a round two, not that we'd have any trouble with taking care of that.

now that people thought they'd be dying, they didn't care to follow the rules anymore. spencer had to stop them.

i watched the gate, from afar. i caught a glimpse of what some woman were writing on the walls.

all the names of the fallen people, the only thing that ticked me off about it was that they'd written glenn's name on the wall.

they didn't even know if he was dead yet. i wanted to so badly go over there and tell them to figure out a way to get it the fuck off the wall.

but i didn't want to cause any trouble.

"don't pay attention to them, y/n. you can always take it off later." carl said

"yeah. i was already thinking about that." i replied

(those woman bitting the curb 4k)

word count; 1005

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