chapter 35

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the day went by fast, everyone was inside the church laughing and talking with one another.

i looked over at rick, a smile crept up on my face when i saw rick letting judith place food in his mouth.

i settled down, maggie and glenn sat down next to me. carl wanted to be by his sister and dad.

"id like to propose a toast." abraham said

"i look around this room and i see survivors. each and everyone one of you has earned that title. to the survivors" abraham said

he raised his right hand which held hos wine glass.



everyone lifted their wine glasses and drank. everyone looked like they were genuinely having a good time.

"is that all you want to be.? wake up in the morning, right the undead pricks, forge for food, go to sleep at night with two eyes open, rinse and repeat? 'cause you can do that. i mean, you got the strength. you got the skill. thing is, for you people, for what you can do, that's just surrender." abraham said

i felt uncomfortable, it wasn't abraham's talking, i like hearing him talk, sometimes.

i noticed at carol had looked at the door, maybe she was feeling uneasy too?

"now, we get eugene to Washington and he will make the dead die and the living will have this world again. and that is not a bad takeaway for a little road trip." abraham said

judith cooed and rick shushed her, i cant get over how cute she is. baby fever is real.

"eguene, what's in DC?" abraham asked looking at eugene.

the lighting from the candles barely reached his face. it gave him shadows under his eyes, nose and his forehead.

eugene looked around at everyone, he looked unsure if he should really say anything. he cleared his throat and looked down at his hands.

"infrastructure constructed to withstand pandemics even of this fubar magnitude. that means food, fuel, refuge. restart." eugene explained

abraham gave a chuckle before speaking again. "however this plays out, however long it takes for the reset button to kick in, you can be safe there. safer than you've been since this whole thing started. come with us. save the world for that little one." abraham said

everytime i hear the word safe ricks words echo in the back of my head.

"you are not safe"

i guess there's some truth to that; no matter where you are things can go down hill. the walkers aren't the only thing you need to look out for nowadays.

the people are just as dangerous, if not more.

everyone looked around at each other. a moment of silence. no one said a thing, until abraham started to speak again.

"save it for yourselves. save it for the people out there who don't got nothing left to do except survive." abraham said

rick chuckled and judith cooed after. "what was that?" rick asked judith with a soft smile playing at his lips

everyone laughed a little

"i think she know what im about to say, she's in. if she's in, im in. we're in." rick said

for a second i thought he would say no, everyone cheered and clapped their hands.

rick picked up judith as he started to walk, people started their side conversations. carl sat down beside me and talked my ear off.

i enjoyed it, though i was only half listening. i was looking over at bob and sasha, she was walking away. the way bob looked at her was actually incredible.

although i get grossed out when they kiss, adults do it all the time. maggie and glenn stopped kissing in front of me because i would say 'ew' everytime.

there was also another thing he was feeling, sometimes if you look closely at someone you can tell what they're feeling.

it's easier to read some people and harder to read others.

maybe it is regret? guilt maybe? why would he feel regret or guilt? i don't think he did anything bad...

bob got up and started heading for the door, he walked slowly leaning forward slightly. he looked as if he was dragging his feet a little.

"i mean, it was absolutely horrible ending!" carl huffed and his shoulders sunk in a little

"sounds like one" i said without even really knowing what the ending was

"can you believe that she shot him? i mean come on! that wasn't how the story was supposed to go." carl added

he never really expressed how he felt about the comics he read until i asked him if some were good and if i could borrow them.

that's how i got myself to this point. every comic he finishes he rants to me about, sometimes he'll give me good reviews. that isn't often though.

"sometimes stories don't go the way you want them to" i replied and carl agreed

carl hesitantly laid his head on my lap, i didn't pay much attention to that. rick hat fell off his head and hit the floor.

i heard a whisper, when i looked around i didn't see anyone who could be causing it. so, i stayed where i was.

the whisper got clearer, someone was calling me. though, it didn't sound like anyone i knew. i looked around to see if anyone else was hearing it.

nope, maybe im just going crazy. sleep deprived. probably.

it's like i wasn't in control of my own body, i excused myself and started walking for the front door.

it was a stupid idea. i know it was, but my legs moved on their own.

i opened the door and walked outside, no one was out here. i heard the voice again. it was almost as if it was drawing me in.

i followed it, eventually i was in the woods. i was watching the church now, i saw bob standing in front of me a little, he didn't seem to notice me.

he started walking more into the woods and i followed. he propped one arm onto a tree and started crying.

i called out for him but i received no answer.

i looked away for a second debating if i should leave him alone or not.

i looked back and yelled at him trying to warn him someone was behind him but once again i wasn't heard.

the man who hit bob over he head was wearing a black jacket with the hood over his head. he looked up and he reacted to me.

i jumped up from where i was laying. the dream i had scarring me awake. maggie looked over at me, tara was right beside her.

"you okay?" maggie asked

was i?

"yeah..just a bad dream" i said

she gave a nod and looked at me for a little while before tara started talking to her again.

bob had just left the church, the doors shutting behind him.

i'm probably just worried about him, i have dreams of the people im worried about getting hurt all the time.

anyone else think about what happens when you die? like, yeah i know you die but that's it? your consciousness is gone. you'll probably never get to see the world again;

anyways, i hope you enjoyed!

word count; 1219

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