chapter 54

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"orr...mikey's house has a pool table, but his dads kind of strict about it. so..." ron said

"it's okay. he's at work." mikey added

carl turned his gaze to the floor, i'm not sure he knew what he wanted to do, the question was a little quick, and i don't know that he knows how to play pool.

"sorry, i guess we come on kind of strong. we can just hang out." ron said

"you guys don't even have to talk if you don't want to." mikey added, trying to make it better

"yeah! took enid three weeks to say something." ron said

carl made up his mind, he played some video games with the two boys, i sat down on the bed and watched for most of the time.

enid and i talked, not about anything important, it was fun getting to talk to a girl my age.

"how was it, out there?" enid asked

the question came out of the blue so i had no idea how to answer it at first.

"it was...scary, constantly having to worry that in the matter of a second anyone you love could be gone was hard to deal with. the walkers were horrible, and the people...worse, i guess" i said

"you have any family?" enid asked,

"uh, no. at least i don't have any hope their alive. i have an older sister, younger brother, my mom died before everything went down. and my dad, im not sure," i said

"i have an uncle, i KNOW he's alive. i have a feeling if anyone out of my family would make it, it would definitely be him" i added

"that's nice...mind if i ask what he was like?" enid asked

"sure, uhm, he was a cool guy, nice to me, took me out places and didn't really ask permission which got him in trouble with my father a few times, he had a wife, im not sure she's doing to well, " i said

"it was a weird situation, i guess, my father and my uncle are siblings, my mother and my uncles wife are sisters, but they have a different father, anyways, cancer runs through my mothers side of the family, that's what my uncle and my father lost their wife to. unfortunate really," i explained

(i don't think this situation would be weird..? there's no blood relation, so i think it's okay? i'm actually not sure 😭)

enid listened, i know mikey, ron, and carl listened in as well. no body knew this information,
but all anyone had to do was ask and i would tell them.


forgot to note, carl is 15, you are 16.

i was called into deanna's office,

"so, i figured out something you could do, that is, if you'd want to." deanna said

"what is it..?" i asked

"working at our library, it's a small one, but little kids go there all the time, maybe you could sort books. maybe even read to the little kids?" deanna asked

it would certainly be a more calming job than anyone else in the group might have. deanna explained the first day i was here that i would be eligible for a job since i was 16.

"do i have time to think about it..? or is it something i need to be doing right away.?" i asked

"oh, don't worry, you can think about it. you don't have to have a job, it was just an idea." deanna said

i let out a sigh of relief, i don't know if i want the job, "i'll keep it in mind, i'll let you know if i would be willing to take the job up" i said

"alright, thank you" deanna said


the morning came and i walked out of the house, carol waved to me as she was making her way to the house carl and i slept in, she lived there too, she just slept in the other house for another night.

"you look ridiculous!" daryl said to carol

i stepped up to the porch, sat down on the fence, daryl was on the other side.

"you look uhh....clean.." i said "you didn't take a shower, why..?" i asked

"i ain't in needing of one," daryl answered

"come on, you can't possibly walk around smelling like that. it's a bad impression.." i said

"to hell with impressions, y/n." daryl said

"daryl. take a shower, i'm begging' ya." i said trying my best to mock his southern accent,

i got a chuckle out of him, he smiled "yeah whatever. i was going to take one later" daryl said


i hopped off the fence and walked around, the long grass went up to my knees, i looked over, enid. she was walking in the same direction as me.

"want to come with me? thought you might want to" enid said

she's much friendlier than she looks i guess..

"oh, thank you. i'd like to" i said

she smiled, and nodded her head.

we both approached the fence, once we got up she put little steps on the fence and we climbed over,

there were woods, grass that went above my knees, it was fun. we weren't supposed to be doing this, i guess that's what made it enjoyable.

we entered the woods which was just outside of the gate, it wasn't long before we both heard something that scared us,

we ran, i laughed and she giggled, the thrill of getting caught was scary, i was also excited. it was a weird feeling.

she led me to a field, flowers, a lot of them. we sat down and i picked the flowers. i wanted to make a flower crown for her, she invited me to this place and led me here.

i'm thankful that she even remembered me,

it wasn't easy to make, it was most  definitely complicated

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it wasn't easy to make, it was most definitely complicated.

"i uh, made this for you. in thanks of bring me here" i said handing her the flower crown.

"it's pretty, thank you" she said taking it from my hands and placing it on her head.

word count; 1022

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