chapter 10

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tw: attempted sa. mentions of suicide.

I woke up, and I looked at the clock on the wall. it was still night. carl was just getting into bed, and rick wasn't in the room. lori wasn't in bed either.

"I'll be back" I said

carl nodded and I got up. I opened the door and closed it softly behind me so that I didn't disturb anyone else.

I walked down the hall. maybe the rec room had something I could do. I wasn't tired anymore, but I did want to sleep.

once I reached the rec room I stood there for a minute. I looked back down the hall and then back at the rec room door.

I heard voice coming from inside so I stayed out for a minute. I'm..kinda nosy..

"because you told me my husband was dead." lori said

"jesus, lori. I didn't lie to you. all right? I didn't." shane said

I heard footsteps getting closer to the closed door I was behind so I backed up.

"do you know what It was like there? things were falling apart. they were slaughtering people in the hallways. it was a massacre. there were walkers everywhere." shane said clealy angry.

"so you left him?" lori said

"everybody else ran. there were no doctors there. it was just me. he was hooked up to machines and I did not know what to do. I even took my ear and I put it on his chest. and I listened for a heartbeat and I did not hear one. and I dont know why. maybe it was gun fire. I don't know what it was, theres no way he could have survived that! no way!" shane said

shane hit the door which made me jump.

"he did." lori said

"well, yeah. but then I had you all to think about, didn't I? I had you and carl and I needed to think about I had to get you guys safe to atlanta. thats what I had to do." shane said

they were arguing back and fourth with each other. it got quiet and I could hear lori telling shane to get off her.

I opened the door and shane was pressing lori up against this thing. I stood there not knowing what to do or say.

I felt around on my thigh to see if I still had my gun that daryl gave to me..I guess them teaching me how to use one will come in handly.

I grabbed it and I pulled the small lever on the top and the gun made a click sound.

I pointed it at shane ready to shoot if he attempted to take it from me.

lori scratched shane and he backed off.

I moved to the side and followed shane with my gun. once he left I put my gun on safely and placed it back in my thigh holder.

lori was freaking out, rightfully so. I went up to her and she pulled me into a tight embrace and cried.

me and lori walked back to the room and she laid down, carl was asleep on the couch and I laid down next to loris side of the bed. I was on the floor but I didn't mind.

the door opened and I shot my eyes open. I looked at the door but It was just rick so I closed my eyes and quickly fell asleep.


in the morning I was sitting next to carl at the table when rick came in.

"morning." rick said

"are you hung over? mom said you'd be." carl asked

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