chapter 25

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We made it to the front gate and merle ran ahead of everyone.

"They're all at the arena. This way." Merle said

"You're not going anywhere with us." Rick said

"You really want to do this now?" Merle asked

Rick stood with his back facing the gate, merle opened the gate and everyone went through it and Rick slowly backed up.

Merle got a walker on the floor and started beating it head in.

"A little help would be nice." Merle yelled

Daryl shot the closest walker and Maggie shot another that was getting close.

"We ain't got time for this!" Merle said running across the street

"Let's go!" Daryl said

I followed after Daryl, Maggie waited for Rick to give the okay and she soon followed after.

I looked back and saw a walker opening the steel that had been half open.

To bad.


It was now sun rise and we were walking through some woods. There was a road just ahead.

A car was parked just outside of the woods we were walking through which I assumed was the car Rick had brought.

"Glenn!" Rick called out sort of aggressively

Glenn and the woman named michonne came out from around the car.

"Rick! Oh, thank God" Glenn said

"Now, we got a problem here. I need you to back up." Rick said

Immediately when Glenn and michonne saw merle they pulled out their weapons.

"What the hell is he doing here?!?" Glenn yelled

"Hey, hey, hey!" Rick said standing in front of michonne

Maggie went and blocked Glenn and I stood there watching the whole thing.

Hey, put it down!" Daryl said

"He tried to kill me!" Michonne said pointing her katana

"He helped us get out of there." Daryl said

"Yeah, right after he beat the shit out of you." Rick said

"Hey, we both took out licks, man." Merle said

"Jackass." Daryl muttered

"Hey, shut up." Merle replied

"Enough!" Rick yelled

Michonne stepped forward and Rick turned his attention back to him.

"Put that down now!" Rick said to michonne

"Get that thing out of my face!" Daryl yelled moving glenns arm roughly away from him

"Man, look like you've gone native, brother." Merle commented

"No more than you hanging out with that psycho back there." Daryl said stepping closer to merle

"Oh, yeah, man. He is a charmer, I got to tell you that. Been trying the wood to your girlfriend Andrea. Big time, baby." Merle said licking his lips

"That's disgusting." I said

Rick was looking at michonne and than to merle.

"What?" Glenn said

"Andreas in Woodbury?" Glenn asked

"Right next to the governor." Daryl said

Michonne stepped forward with her katana.

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