chapter 41

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i woke up to the sound of loud bangs, it sounded like wood was breaking every time the object of use came down on it.

i sat up, carl was sleeping with judith. i gathered my things and opened the door, sasha was lifting an axe above her head and hitting the wooden church bench with it.

tt reese was taking some metal pole off the wall and handed it over to daryl. what the hrll are they doing..?

once daryl had three metal poles in his hand he walked to the front doors of the church that were already wide open.

he looked at what sasha was doing as he passed. her axe got stuck for a good second before she lifted it and turned to look at daryl.

after her quick look she returned to beating the hell out of the wooden bench.

gabriel said something to daryl, he didn't look like he replied to him. he picked up a pole and stuck it into the ground.

i do remember daryl brought back a kid, but i can't exactly remember his name.

"y/n..! would you wake carl up and help rick and i with boarding up the windows.?" michonne asked walking past me with some nails.

"yeah, just give me a minute." i replied

i let out a huff and turned around, tyreese offered a smile and i just gave a simple wave.

i slowly opened the door and slightly lifted it off the ground so that it wouldn't make any noise.

judith was kicking her feet and cooing, carl remained asleep, i didn't want to disturb him. but michonne asked me to wake him up so she and rick could have help.

i bent down and sat down in front of carl.

"carl..get up, your dad and michonne need our help" i said quietly

i shook him once and he was awake. he looked around for a second and when he realized it was only me he calmed down.

"hm?" he said

"michonne and your dad need our help with boarding up the windows" i repeated

he nodded and grabbed his hat along with picking up judith.

we both left the room ans tyreese offered to keep an eye on judith while we helped out with the work.

we both thanked tyreese and went outside, we took a turn and michonne and rick were already working on it.

without another work we started to do what wr were asked to do.

i hit my finger a few times trying to board up the windows, michonne would stop what she was doing and come see if i was alright.

i had to reassure both carl and michonne that i wasn't hurt and i was okay. the windows were actually super easy to board up.


i stood in the dimly lit door arch was next to the church doors, carl was next to me like always.

michonne was on the other side of the arch way, rick walked up to us, kissed judith's head and headed her off to michonne.

rick turned around and gave carl a tight hug, patting his back maybe 3-4 times

"we'll be back soon." rick said

"i know" carl replied

rick rested his hand in his gun and grabbed the backpack that was just beside him on the floor.

michonne stepped forwards and closed the left door as rick. closed the right door from outside.

as soon as the door shut judith started crying. michonne put her down in her basket.

carl and michonne grabbed a board and started boarding up the door, judith cried more.

i started to hear a really horrible sound that made my ears and teeth hurt. i wasn't looking at where the sound was coming from.

i turned around, gabriel was on the ground and scratching at the wood floor. it bothered me so fucking much.

my bottom teeth started the hurt so badly. it was like nails on a chalkboard but worse.

he stopped for a moment, spit on his hand and started rubbing the shit out of the wood floor. at least he wasn't bothering me anymore.

this guy is kind of weird...


night fell, gabriel got some water and started scribing the floor with a cloth, carl was getting weapons and laying them out in front of gabriel.

"pick one. you need to learn how to defend yourself. we can teach you." carl offered

gabriel stopped what he was doing and kept looking at the ground for a couple seconds before looking up and carl and i with a creepy smile.

the smile fazed away as gabriel got ready to speak.

"defend myself.? they said they'd go." gabriel said

"they were liars and murders." carl replied

"just like us." gabriel immediately said back

"we protected ourselves. they wanted us dead. you're lucky your church has lasted this long. you can't stay in one place anyone. not for too long. and once you're out there, you're gonna find trouble you can't hide from. you need to know how to fight." carl explained

gabriel looked at him, then looked at the floor. he had this guilty look on this face. as if he might have been ashamed of something. maybe even sad.

his gaze moved to the weapons, he stared at them. looking over each one with a careful eye. he leaned his body forwards but stopped as if he was unsure of his decision.

he let out a breath and grabbed a smaller machete.

"good choice. but you're not holding it right. you got to be able to drive it down 'cause something's their skulls aren't as soft and you need to be able..-" carl said but was cut off by gabriel

" sorry." gabriel said putting a head up to let carl know to stop explaining to him

he swallowed a few times while looking at the ground, both hands on the wood floor to stabilize his body weight.

gabriel quickly stood up, he didn't let go of the weapon he picked up.

"i need to lie down." gabriel said, sweat dropped down the side of his face.

carl nodded and turned to look at me, i shrugged and gabriel walked past the both of us.

i wonder what's up with him.

i'll try and fit 2 chapters into my unload schedule. i have a massive headache but i decided i wanted to give you guys a chapter anyways.

do you guys like when i go into detail or do you like it when its just the bare minimum of detailing?

hope you enjoyed this chapter.

word count; 1107

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