chapter 22.

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its been a day or two, reading my books got boring all of a sudden and I've had nothing to do.

I was sitting outside, by myself. everyone else was inside eating.

it was calm outside, the slightly breeze, the cold air. the bird chirping. it was like walkers weren't a thing for a minute.

of course, they were and there were some against the fence trying to get in. but, its easy to forget sometimes.

yesterday I started seeing this white thing out of the corner, I couldn't tell what it was.

sometimes it would hang there for a minute or so, othertimes I looked over at it and it disappeared like it was never there.

it scared me this morning, it was right above me. I would have screamed if carl wasn't laying next to me.

I forgot what exactly I was doing out here. actually. I think I was told to do something.

I got up from where I was sitting and I walked over to the gate. I opened it and closed it behind me, I walked over to the first fence.

there were a lot of walkeres on the fence behind this one. if we don't take care of it soon the fence might fall...


I was out with glenn and maggie getting suppiles.

the main thing I was told to get was baby food or formula.

glenn went inside before I did and maggie stayed outside to keep watch.

"get that duck" maggie said to glenn

"what?" glenn said

"get thar duck" maggie repeated

"are you serious?" glenn asked

"yeah, a baby growing up in a prison could use something to play with" maggie said

glenn chuckled and grabbed the duck, I'd gone further into the store looking around.

I got maybe 2 things of formula and glenn had a lot in the basket he had. I placed the formula in the basket and we both walked out of the store

"we just hit the formula jackpot." glenn said

"oh, thank god." maggie said

"I also got beans, batteries, cocktail wieners, many mustards. it's a straight shot back to the prison from here. probably make it in time for dinner." glenn said

"I like the quiet. back there, back home, you can always hear them outside the fence no matter where you are." maggie said

glenn looked back at her and I moved closer to her, I was feeling a little uncomfortable out here in the open.

"and where is it y'all good people are calling home?" a man said

before I even turned around I knew who it was, fucking merle.

I looked at him through the corner of my eye, he had a gun raised at us and he was slowly walking towards us.

glenn and maggie put up their guns and moved in front of me.

"merle?" glenn said

merle moved his gun to the side and laughed. merle leaned down and put the gun he was holding on the floor and then he put his hands up, well. hand up.

"hey! back the hell up!" maggie yelled at merle

"okay, okay, honey. jesus." merle stopped moving

"you made it." glenn said

"can you tell me, is my brother still alive? huh?" merle asked

"yeah." glenn said

"hey, you take me to him and I'll call it even, on everything that happened up there in atlanta. no hard feelings, huh?" merle said

glenn looked at him, I looked over at maggie and shook my head. I understand that merle wants to see his brother. but, we can't be sure that he won't be a threat to the group, again.

"you like that?" merle said moving his right arm around. his hand was replaced with a long blade.

"yeah, well, I found myself a medical supply warehouse. fixed it up myself. pretty cool, huh?" merle added

"we'll tell daryl you're here and he'll come out to meet you." glenn said

"hold on. just hold on." merle said

merle got a little closer and glenn said 'woah' trying to get him to stop.

"hold up here. hold up. hey, the fact that we found each other is a miracle. come on, now. you can trust me." merle said

"you trust us. you stay here." glenn said

I had the feeling something wasn't going to go right and I pulled out my gun and turned the safety off.

merle pulled out a gun and shot, glenn pulled me to the side and the bullet hit the glass on the back of the car.

I wasn't fully around the corner so I fired off a shot. I heard merle let out a grunt but I wasn't sure where I hit him.

glenn told me to stay where I was, he went around the car and he was yelling at merle.

I already knew it was over for us, when you run into someone like merle. theres a possiblity you aren't making it out alive.

I'd gotten into the car and sat down like nothing was happening. soon after glenn got in the driver seat and merle hopped in the passenger. maggie got in the seat next to me.

road trip time, how exciting.

the car engine started and we drove off.


in no time we were at this place, I didn't get a very good look at it. I was set down in a chair in a room by myself.

I assume maggie and glenn were put in different rooms as well.

merle had made his rounds with glenn and maggie.

merle opened the door to my room and stood there for a minute before coming in.

"make this easy, I don't want to have to hurt a little girl." merle said

I'm not selling anyone out. I don't care what happens to me, if I tell merle where they are I have I'll have zero idea what he'll go there a do.

merle walked over and bent down in front of me.

"where are you guys staying, from the looks of it you seem to be rather safe." merle said

I didn't mutter a word. merle wasn't happy about the and put his blade up to my shoulder.

"tell me." merle demanded

I stayed quiet. I just sat there and stared at him.

"one question, and you give me an answer or I'll side this blade down your shoulder and stop at your elbow, if you don't answer I'll keep going and stop at your wrist." merle said

"where. are. you. staying." merle said

I refused to answer. merle pressed the blade down into my skin and slowly cut down my arm.

the pain wasn't there until I could feel the blood come out of the wound. once I knew the wound was there it started to sting and then it turned into intense pain.

I tried thinking of something else to take my mind off the pain I was feeling, it sort of worked.

merle made it half way down to my elbow before he backed away.

"glenns definitely going to kill me when he sees this" merle chuckled

merle took a last looked and slamemd the door shut leaving me in the room alone again.

sorry about not posting for the longest time, studying for finals takes up a lot of time. I'll try and post in my free time.

word count: 1231

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