chapter 23

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I'm going to get an infection, I can't treat it or patch it up because my arms are tied down to this stupid chair.

there wasn't much to look at, there was metal on the walls, they probably did that on purpose so everyone in the rooms could hear what was going on next to them.

I'm not even sure how long I've been in this stupid room, I know merle left hours ago. a man entered maggies room and he let glenn in after whatever he'd done.

though...maggie did end up telling the governer where we were staying.

besides that, no one has come into my room for 6-7 hours? my time management has gotten better, and I'm sure it's probably almost night fall.

I'd thought about getting out of this chair hours ago, but now I really wanted out of it.

I leaned back in the chair and rocked it a few times before it fell to the ground. I rolled on my side and stood up.

the chair was against the wall and I smached the chair into the wall mulitple times.

fianlly it broke and the arms of the chair and the tape was left on my arms.

"y/n?! are you okay???" maggie said from the room over

"yeah, I'm fine" I said

it was quiet for a little until I heard fighting from outside, someone got pushed into the wall and I could hear grunting.

gun shoots fired off manhy times and made hopes in my room, thank god none of them hit me though.

I stepped closer to the door and opened it a little.

maggie was holding a gun to merles head, glenn was on the ground with merles blade on his neck.

"let him go!" maggie yelled

"okay." merle said looking behind maggie

men came in with guns pointed and maggies back which distracted her and merle grabbed her gun.

merle turned around to glenn and told him to get up.

I looked back in my room and my gun was on the table closest to where standing.

I debated with myself, if I do this.... there's no going back.

But, I've got to get Maggie, Glenn and I out of here.

Even if I had to kill a few people to make sure the people I loved were save. (Shane moment? 🤨)

I hesitantly grabbed my gun, made sure it was loaded and pointed it.

I fired off three shots. The men dropped to the ground and blood slowly poured from their heads.

I didn't shoot at merle, he's Daryl's brother so he gets a slide, for now.

Merle rushed out and maggie and Glenn rushed over to my room and I locked us in.

I tied a string to the door knob and tied it to something else.

Not even a minute later I heard merle and more men come in.

"Who the hell did this?!??" A man 1 asked

"Glenns kid. She shot all three, blink of an eye. They didn't have time to react."merle said

"We could use her on the military team" man 2 suggested

"Are you suggesting that we let a girl on the military team? Not just that, she killed three of our men." Merle said

I forgot that he was sexist-

My train of thought was cut off when I heard a loud explosion. It came from outside the room.

The men outside were yelling and hitting some of the walls.

I quickly opened the door and was immediately grabbed by rick.

I held my breath and walked beside him in a hurry.

We got outside and it was clear for the most part, there were some guys out. Pretty sure they are looking for us.

Rick told us to get inside this place with a dark blue door.

Daryl went in ans cleared it and Glenn fell on the floor.

"Ain't not way out back here" Daryl said

"Rick, how did you find us?" Maggie said

"How bad are you hurt?" Rick asked

"I'll be all right." Glenn said

Right, I almost forgot about the stupid cut on my upper arm.

I ripped some of my shirt off and tightly wrapped my upper arm up.

"Wheres that woman?" Maggie asked

"She was right behind us." Rick said

There was another woman with us.? I guess I didn't notice her because we were in to much of a rush to get out.

"Maybe she was spotted" Oscar said

"Want me to go look for her?" Daryl asked

"No. we gotta get them out of here. She's on her own." Rick said

"Daryl, this was merle. It was. He did this." Glenn said

"You saw him?" Rick asked

"Face to face. He threw a walker at me, cut y/n upper arm. And they were talking about executing us." Glenn said

" brothers this 'governor'?" Daryl asked

"No, he's somebody else. Your brothers his lieutenant or something." Maggie said

"Does he know I'm still with you?" Daryl asked

"He does now. Rick, I'm sorry. We told him where the prison was." Glenn said

"Dont, no need to apologize" Rick said

Rick went over to the window and looked out of it.

Getting out of this place could end good. Or it could end bad.

I just hope no one had to lose their life. Well, the people in my group.

I looked down at my gun and kept it off safety just in case.

I'm ready whenever, killing people or not. I'm getting out of here.

so sorry about the wait! I'm trying to find free time to write, and with finals coming up it's not easy.

This chapter was a little shorter but I hope you enjoyed it.

Also, go check out my friend sophia_aisuru new story!

Word count: 962

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