chapter 33

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gabriel started walking in the direction of his church,

"hey, earlier, were you watching us?" rick asked

"i keep to myself. nowadays, people are just as dangerous as the dead, don't you think?" gabriel said

"no, people are worse." daryl commented

"well, i wasn't watching you. i haven't been beyond the stream near my church more than a few times since it all started. that was the furthest i've gone before today." gabriel said

"or maybe im lying. maybe i'm lying about everything and there's no church ahead at all. maybe i'm leading you into a trap so i can steal all your squirrels." gabriel added

rick looked at him, and gabriel turned to look at him.

"members of my flock had often told me that my sense of humor leaves much to be desired." gabriel said

"yeah, it does." daryl said

gabriel turned around and ran into some leaves, he pushed them out of his way and kept walking.

the church he was talking about came into view, it was white with a white scratched up roof.

gabriel walked up to the doors

"hold up." rick said he walked up the church stairs and stood next to gabriel "can we take a look around first? we just want to hold on to our squirrels." rick added

he extended his hand and gabriel gave the keys over to him. rick unlocked the church doors and opened the door making sure to keep his distance.

it wasn't anything special, it looked like a normal church. seats lined up one row after another, on each side. and an aisle to walk down.

rick lifted his gun and walked in, michonne, daryl and everyone else followed after.

we all went different ways and checked the place out, i didn't see anything.

michonne found and door and let it open before she walked in, she still had her gun raised up just in case;

glenn followed after her. carol was looking at a desk, it had books open all over it and some objects on top of the books.

carol began flipping through the book and she frowned her eyebrows. once she was done flipping through the books she gave it another look before leaving it alone.

i walked around, there were some drawing on the wall. looked like something a 2nd-4th grader would draw, or color in.

i walked past a picture that was posted up on the wall. it has something written on it so i backed up and read it.

"and let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up." - Galatians 6:9

i guess it's trying to get at encouraging people not to give up or something.

i turned my attention away from it and kept walking around. i got bored and walked right back out of the church.

was i even supposed to be in there? no. but i didn't want to wait outside.

after a few minutes i heard a whistle, rick, glenn, michonne, carol and daryl walked out.

"i spent months here without stepping out the front door. if you found someone inside, well, it would have been surprising." gabriel said

rick just looked at him. nowadays i can't really tell if he just has an rbf or if something is the matter.

"thanks for this." carl said

"we found a short bus out back. it don't run, but i bet we could fix that in less than a day or two. father here says he doesn't want it. looks like we found ourselves some transport." abraham said

rick didn't reply, he patted judith's head and ran his hand over her head.

"you understand what's at stake here, right?" abraham asked

"yes, i do." rick replied

"now that we can take a breath.." i started to say

"we take a breath, we slow down, shit inevitably goes down." abraham said

what a dickhead.

"we need supplies no matter what we do next." michonne butted in

she gave me a nod, i stepped closer to her and rick started talking to i paid attention to him.

"that's right. water, food, ammunition." rick said

rick went up the steps and into the church, carl, michonne and i followed after.

"short bus ain't goin' nowhere. bring you back some baked beans." daryl said following us inside.

i stopped by the door to wait for glenn to come inside, he stopped in front of abraham.

"one way or another, we're doing what rick does. we're not splitting up again." glenn said

he walked into the church and i trailed behind him.

once everyone was inside they stood where they wanted or sat down. carl handed Judith off to rick.

"how'd you survive here for so long? where did your supplies come from?" rick said he walked over and stood in front of gabriel

"luck. our annual canned food drive. things fell apart right after we finished it. it was just me. the food lasted a long time. and then i started scavenging. i've cleaned out every place nearby, expect for one." gabriel explained

"what kept you from it?"rick asked

"it's overrun." gabriel said

"how many?" rick asked

"a dozen or so, maybe more." gabriel said

rick nodded his head and looked over, sasha looked at ty and she stepped forwards.

"we can handle a dozen." rick said

"bob and i will go with you. tyreese should stay here, help keep judith safe." sasha said

"that'll be okay?" rick asked tyreese

"sure." tyreese said nodding "you ever need me to watch her, need anything for her, i'm right here." tyreese added

"i'm grateful for it" rick said, he walked over to tyreese giving him a pat on his shoulder. "and everything else." he added

"i'll draw you a map." gabriel said

"you don't need to. you're comin' with us." rick said

Gabriel stopped and looked over at rick, he smiled and then his smile fell, he repeated this about 2 more times.

"i'm not gonna be of any help. you saw me. i'm no good around those things." gabriel said

"you're comin' with us." rick said flatly

word count; 1032

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