chapter 59

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i don't remember much, michonne said i passed out in her arms, she was worried and took me home.

but i was immediately taken to deanna's office, she said she needed answers because nickolas's side of the story was different from glenn's.

"i wasn't there for the whole thing, so i can't tell you everything that happened. when i got back to them, aiden had a pole through his chest. it wasn't near his heart, but it was close enough." i said

"we tried to get him off then pole, i could have helped him get here. but, aiden was being loud, the walkers were coming and when they got closer nickolas ran off. aiden told us that we should go."

"glenn, noah and i were hesitant, but we did leave. we ended up in a rotating door, we were trapped, glenn was trying to find a way that we would all get out."

"nickolas took advantage and pushed his way out. i tripped over noah and we both were pulled back into the store with all the walkers." i finished

"and how did you get out?" deanna asked

"noah kicked me, he made sure to be as loud as he possibly could so that the walkers would keep their attention on him." i said

deanna looked at me with pity, i started crying, some of it was genuine. some of it wasn't.

i was to angry that nickolas would lie to be crying right now.

"would you explain to me how nickolas was acting?" deanna asked

"he was frantic, the plan was for glenn to get out, get a rifle and then nickolas would come out as well, but he panicked. and he decided his life over three people's."

"have you spoken to glenn?" deanna asked

i shook my head, "he doesn't even know if im alive or not." i said looking at the floor as tears rolled down my face.

i might have lied in the first few summaries, just minor things. it wasn't that big of a deal.

deanna let me go, everytime she looked at me she looked at me with pity.

it was the dead of night and i just wanted to sleep. michonne was waiting outside deanna's office for me.

we walked down the street, crickets were the only thing we could hear. we didn't talk to each other.

i saw the porch light on, rick houses porch light. glenn was sitting on the porch. i wasn't sure if it was a good time to go up to him.

i was so tired i didn't even care what i called him "dad.?" i whispered, he didn't hear me.

glenn punched the floor of the porch, it wasn't enough to break it.

i repeated myself but a little louder, this time he heard me. he stood up, walked over slowly as if he didn't believe i was here.

when he realized it was really me he started crying, he brought me into a hug and we both ended up on the ground.

he sobbed, asking me if i was okay, if i got hurt, and how i even made it back to alexandria.

i didn't answer, i passed out before i could.


the morning was not a good one. i woke up from a nightmare, panting, and sweating.

i was back at that store, in the same rotating door. everything happened all over again.

this time i got front row seats to what noah looked like being eaten.

that situation was mixed with everything else you wouldn't want to be dreaming about.

i looked over, i didn't seem to wake up carl, i looked over at the clock i had in the room.

"6:32am" i sighed.
i normally wake up around this time anyways...

carl moved around on his side of the bed,

(i just watched the scene where rosita and michonne are in the woods, and DAMN their reflexes are good. they heard one leave get stepped on and brought out their weapons immediately) 🙏🙏

he didn't wake up, i got off the bed and moved around the room.

carl moved again, this time taking the blanket and cuddling up with it like it was a person,

i opened the bedroom door and left, quietly shutting the door behind me.

i looked through a window down stairs and saw that enid and ron were climbing the wall. they've been doing that lately.

i wonder where they go, maybe to that field with all the flowers? i hope so, it was really pretty.

i sat down on the couch and stared at the wall. i don't have anything to do, no body's telling me what to do.

and i'm bored now.

the front door opened and closed, i looked over, it was just glenn.

he looked bothered, once he saw me that washed off his face.
he gave a smile and sat down on the floor next to the couch.

"have you check in with your mother?" glenn said

i have him a questioning look. "what?" i asked

"i was messing around, have you checked in with maggie at all? have you seen her since you've gotten back?" glenn asked

"no, i wasn't planning to. i just wanted to stay home." i said

glenn nodded, "that's fine, mind if i stick around.? i'll only be a few hours" glenn said

i smiled, "you can stay, there isn't any need to ask permission. also, carls asleep so you need to be quiet." i said

glenn nodded, "i'll keep that in mind, also. michonne stopped me while coming here, she told me uh, she told me something and i went to know of its true." glenn said

i seen this coming from a mile away. michonne had to have me go to the nurse to check if i'd been hurt any where.

"____________________________, is that true..? i dont care if it is or not. i just want you to be honest with me" glenn said

i stared at him for a whole, i expected him to beat around the bush, but he got straight to the point.

"yeah, everything she told you is true." i said

glenn looked worried more thank anything else. "don't worry, i took care of it. i promise," i said

he looked at me, "i wish you wouldn't have. but i'm glad you decided to do that.." glenn said

word count; 1068

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