chapter 27

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when i woke up the smoke was clearing. i could hear groaning and snarling.

my head was light and my ears were ringing. there was blood running down the side of my face . my knees, palms and my elbows were scratched up.

i sat there for a minute, when everything finally clicked i slowly got up so i didn't immediately fall over.

walkers. everywhere. i looked around more, no one was around.

i slightly shake my head to get my head straight and get the hell out of here.

i finally started walking, it wasn't fast but it was fast enough to get away from any walkers that came my way.

once i was away i started walking in a random direction. if anyone was in the bad because I'm not going back in there.

eventually i found my way to a neighborhood, it wasn't a fancy neighborhood but it was good enough for me.

as long as i was away from the walkers and anyone who could possibly try to harm me. i'd picked a random house and settled inside.

i don't even know how long id been out for. it could have been at least a few days, right..?

maybe i should try and find the others. i'll probably have no luck. i have no way of knowing what way they went.


it been a few days, maybe about a day ago i'd seen a rail road track, it said there was some place ahead.

i don't remember the name, if the rest of the group saw this they'd probably follow in hopes to find everyone else.

i've been following the track for a long time. i'm honestly surprised i haven't run into anyone else from the group.

i wonder why the people are even letting others in. i mean, you can barely trust anyone these days.

woods is all that surrounds me. that and random signs on the side of the tracks every so often telling me how many more miles.

(???'s pov)

i've been watching this girl for a while. on order of...that doesn't matter.

she's pretty boring, all she does is walk. i've had nothing to report about this girl.

i was told to watch over, scope everything out until i could effectively take her back with me.

the only problem is, she always has that stupid knife in her hand. though, i don't have any information on her the way she reacts to walkers tells me i probably shouldn't just sneak up on her.

maybe i could pretend to be her friend, wait until she trust me and bring her back to base once km ordered to do so.

that could work, i don't know if this girl will trust me fast enough.

going after people sucks. its hard to collect information. why is she even wasting her time walking the tracks?

i'd seen the same sign she did, but i honestly don't think it's really worth it.

she doesn't know these people. is she actually just going to walk in when she arrives? where did this girl even come from in the first place?

jeez, i have a shit ton of questions. maybe i'll ask when i return to base. i'm sure they've or rather.. he's got to know something.

if he didn't, why would he be sending me after some random girl?

related maybe? no, they look nothing alike. maybe he just wants new people on the team.

that could be it.

(y/ns pov)

i wonder if dad and everyone else is even alive. i didn't see any body's. well, i wasn't really looking since my vision was blurry.

even if i did look, it would take to long. the best i can wish for is that maggie and glenn got out.

i know for a fact carl did, rick probably wouldn't leave with out him. it's jot much of a probably. rick wouldn't leave without carl.

i wonder if daryl's alright....he can take care of himself but im still worried.

jeez, shouldn't i be worried about myself? i can't help but think about everyone else. i'm practically safe. everyone else might not be.

what the hell am i even doing? what if no one else saw the sign and now im just heading towards a random place on my own. they're basically waiting around for someone like me to show up.

alone and stupid enough to come.

word count: 744

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