chapter 48

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not long after, we'd found a few cars up ahead, daryl went off on his own again.

we searched the cars, we found nothing that would be of any use to us.

this was so irritating, finding something and hoping to find something that would make our situation even a little better.

and then our hopes would be crashed. again and again. over and over.

we all sat around, rick held judith in his arms,

the group looked smaller, but larger at the same time, probably because we were all spread out.

daryl came back, rick and daryl exchanged looks, daryl gave him a disappointed look. rick nodded understandably.

talk went around, tara trying to lift the mood, worked but then everything died down again once the gravity of our situation came back.

the leaves rustled, everyone turned their heads.

a few dogs came out of the woods, they growled at all of us.

rick and daryl already on high alert, they pulled out their knifes and looked at the dogs.

before they could do anything sasha did, she shot everyone of the dogs.

some of their whines were heard before she eventually ended them.

rick stood up and i already knew we where this was going.

he grabbed some sticks and broke them over his knee.


i couldn't bare the thought of eating a dog, not after i heard their whines. it made my heart ache.

but, when i saw carl refused to eat until i did, i felt pressured to eat.

i felt as if i was going to puke back up very bite i took, it was hard enough to force myself to swallow the food.

sasha stopped in front of noah who'd been looking at her like she was some monster.

he exchanged some words and she gave him a harsh reality check.

everyone looked guilty while they were eating. tara looked the worst.

gabriel through this white collar in the fire,


the day wore on, unfortunately.

i started to wish that i would have ended myself when i had the chance.

maybe this was only the beginning of the streak of bad luck.

my mom used to always tell me after a horrible storm there would always be a rainbow.

but i'm starting to think, maybe this storm wouldn't stop, i'll keep going until every last one of us are gone.

if i'm lucky i'll be the first to go.

glenn and maggie quietly talked to each other, everyone else was dead quiet so we could kind of make out the words being said.

maggie finally drank the water that glenn offered to her, abraham drank the whiskey after sasha declined.

we walked for a little while longer before coming across water, it had a little paper with it as well. it wrote,

"from a friend."

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