chapter 30

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we couldn't see anything, it was completely dark in the train besides the faint light coming in from cracks in the walls.

there was moving around and i tried to get my eyes to adjust to the dark but they wouldn't.

carl tugged at my sleeve and moved me closer to him, more shuffling was heard, it looked like the person was moving closer to us.

"rick..?" glenn said

glenn stepped forward, i found see him outline but i couldn't see his face just yet.

"you're here.." rick said

it looked like other people stepped forwards as well, maybe 5, 6 people?

"they're out friends. they helped save us." maggie said

i wanted to see them, unfortunately i couldn't. daryl had carl and i behind him and i wasn't going to rudely push past rick and daryl.

"yeah. now they're friends of ours." daryl said

"for however long that'll be" a man said

"no." rick said

i was confused, did he say 'no' to them being friends. or no to what the man said? so confusing.

rick stepped forwards, and tilted his head to the side.

"they're gonna feel pretty stupid when they find out." rick went over to the door and looked out of the crack.

"find out what" the same man said

there was a few seconds of silence before rick looked over at the people.

"they're screwing with the wrong people." he said roughly

(ON TO SEASON 5‼️‼️‼️)

rick told us all to make a weapon out of what ever we had on us, i had a small pocket knife in my, well. who's gonna check a 15 year old girls bra?

"they seemed nice enough, but i was ready to go. we just got here, but, damn, it was time to go. when i told them about DC, a wink and a nod from the head asshole in charge, they pulled their gins and it was right back to our regularly scheduled shitstorm." abraham

"before they put you in here, you didn't see tyreese?" sasha asked

"no" michonne said

"good" sasha replied

"black car with a white cross painted on it. i tried to follow it. i tried." daryl said

"but she's alive?" maggie questioned

daryl had told me this story when him and his group had found me, i asked him where it was and what direction because i wanted to go find her.

i always find my way to where i want to go, so i wanted to try and find her. she was a friend, and she was also maggie's sister. that was the main reason i wanted to find her.

but, daryl said he couldn't lose me too, and that he needed to get me back to glenn. so daryl kept his eyes on me to make sure i didn't go anywhere.

"she's alive" daryl responded

everyone was doing something different, obviously. i was next to glenn, he said he wouldn't let me leave his side just yet.

there was broken up radio signals, people talking outside. rick was glancing at the door every once in a while.

i'm guessing everyone else was to.

"all right, got four of them pricks coming our way." daryl said

rick ripped his string out of the wood he'd been driving it into. "y'all know what to do. go for their eye first. then their throats." rick said

everyone got in position and waited.

"put your back to the walls on either side of the car, now." a man said

the roof opened up and they dropped something in, it started smoking. abraham yelled for everyone to move so we all did.

coughing and more coughing. carl had shoved a cloth right in my face and covered my nose and mouth.

the doors opened and some men walked in and took rick, daryl, bob and...glenn...they

my eyes were heavy and my hand was making the cloth stay in place.

i couldn't tell if everyone was okay or if they were not okay.

the smoke cleared out rather fast and i moved the cloth, i turned around and looked for carl.

he was sitting up and his hand over his mouth, it wasn't doing much but he was still awake. from what i could make out.

it didn't last long, my eyes were heavy and they kept closing and i'd force them to open. eventually i got tried and gave in.


i was woken up by maggie, she was lifting me up into her arms and walking with me.

she walked over to the opposite side of the train and sat down, she was holding on to me tightly. she was shaking a little.

i opened my eyes and looked at her, when she noticed me she brought me into a hug.

"thank goodness" she said breathing out

i sat up and let her hug me, i of course hugged her back. everyone else was awake and seemed panicked for some reason.

maybe it was because rick, daryl, bob and glenn were gone?

a loud BOMB rang out and my ears rang, i got light headed and the noise small and empty space in the train made the sound somewhat worse.

what the hell was going on outside?

gun shots were going off and footsteps could he turned running.

abraham got up and banged on the door "what the hell is going on"

"someone hit them." michonne said

"maybe our help got free?" sasha said

Eugene pushed past sasha and tara.

"what the hell are you doing?" rosita said

"i might be able to use this shell to compromise the door. from the sound of things, there may not be anybody left to open it." eugene said

"eugene, im sorry, but shut up." tara said

"okay" he replied

"hey. my dads gonna be back. they all are." carl said

"they are" maggie agreed. "and we need to get ready to fight our way out with them when they do." maggie added

i stood next to michonne and looked out, i could make anything out at all. it was smoky. women and men were yelling and running.

i jumped back when a walked slammed into the door.

groaning and growling was loud and i could only assume there was a handful of walkers outside.

word count:  1051

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